I'm sure I'm not the only one here that bought a heap of Eneloops yesterday on the COTD Birthday bash. I was lucky enough to use the BDAY code 4 times under 2 different emails. So I ended up paying only $8 for 32 Eneloops with free delivery. Bargain!
After buying those I got $10 cash for each COTD account (for first time purchase) plus another $10 for referring myself. So a total of $30 in my account for buying $8 worth of eneloops.
I'm not going to lie. I wish I'd bought more. Even though I just bought 2 packs the other week. I'm thinking of using Eneloops as a new currency for poker nights.
One last thing, if anyone can unlock my $39 woolies Nokia, I can pay you in Eneloops.
u dont like telstra?