What is the Cheapest Generic Brand for Ibuprofen?

Hey anyone know the cheapest way to buy ibuprofen?

Whenever I'm at the doctors they always recommend as opposed to traditional paracetamol for things such as aches and pains, fevers etc.

I think you can get a 96 pack for around the $10-$12 but is there any cheaper?



  • Chemist Warehouse have Herron Blue ibuprofen 60 tablets for $6.69, this makes it $13.38 for 120 tablets.

    The other one I could find is 48 packs for $3.50 each, but it's an online pharmacy so you may need to pay shipping unless they offer pickup locally for you.

    • +1

      Unless you buy twelve packs from them in which case you get free shipping. :p

      • lol don't think I need that many!

  • Cheers, when I'm close to a Chemist Warehouse I may pop in and grab some, or when I have an order that will total over $99

  • +3

    You need to change doctors, routinely recommending NSAIDS is pretty poor practice IMHO…yeah, ibuprofen might be quite effective; but not that much more so than paracetamol; unless absolutely necessary, the increased risk of GIT or vascular problems associated with NSAIDS just isn't worth it.

    • +1

      Yeah it is not just one doctor though.

      But don't get me wrong, I don't take ibuprofen very often. I avoid any type of pain killers as much as I can. I had an aches and pain thing at the beginning of the year, panadol didn't help, ibuprofen did a good job. I recently had a fever type illness for a couple of days and it worked for that too. On both occasions panadol didn't work.
      When I had my aches and pain thing the doctors said ibuprofen, when I had fever thing they said either will be fine.

      So it is not a blanket ibuprofen is better.

      • +2

        This is pretty much spot on, ibuprofen causes stomach ulcers relatively easily. A year or two ago I was suffering from server back pain (no idea what caused it, had blood tests and x-rays), at it's worse I ended up talking 20 Panadol tablets in a one day. I'm definitely not saying taking this many is okay, I didn't even realize how bad it could have been for my liver but fortunately I wasn't harmed

        Out of all pain killers paracetamol is the safest and yet the least effective but if you take to much of anything you are going to have a bad time

        • Thanks appreciate your feedback.

          I had a similar thing to you, aches in the feet and everywhere else. I managed better than you, never had to take that much panadol though. Mine lasted a good 3 months. It was luckily only viral.

    • Yeah. I hope those docs point out NSAIDs can cause GI bleeding. Avoid if you have stomach issues.

  • +2

    I think Rafen is quite cheap too @ Chemist Warehouse:


    $2.39 for 50 200mg tabs

  • +1

    I personally prefer codeine, or other opiates.

    • +1

      You also bathe in dishwashing liquid.

      Obvious troll (or idiot) is obvious.

      • -1

        Nurofen plus is great at relieving pain, codeine is much easier on your insides as well. It is only more restricted because some obvious troll(or idiots) choose to abuse it. I'd definately save oxy or morphine for more extreme pain.

    • +1 for codeine eg panadeine. OP have you tried it?

      • No I haven't…

  • The no-name ibuprofen at coles is pretty cheap:


    $2.19 for 24 (Unit price $0.09 per 1Ea)

    That's about 2c per tablet cheaper than the Herron Blue from Chemist Warehouse above, if my maths is correct.

    Coles is probably more convenient too, and you can just buy 24 if you don't need heaps.

  • +1

    Rafen is the generic brand from Chemist Warehouse.

  • +3

    Aldi also $1.99 for a 24 pack.

  • Have used Rafen for many years. Cheap and effective for muscular and concentration related stress i.e. eye, neck, back. Is similar to aspirin in that it is best taken on a non-empty stomach.

  • +1

    painkillers only mask problems, they dont fix them & taken enough over time you will end up with an ulcer bleed & this will either hurt like a bitch or kill you.

    fix the problem, or at least find the cause; its inflamation so i suggest the following

    a test for ulcers
    a bowl endoscope
    check diet (sugars, carbs power everthing inc inflamation) some have wheat, milk alergys and they can occour anytime in life (only babies should drink milk, try A2/Zimmil if you need your coffee white)
    do you drink more than 1 cuppa joe a day (coffee), try water, about 1-3L a day and detox, flush your system
    and lastly do you eat too much, or drink alcohol, eat less, exercise more and YOUCULT your digestive system back to life as alcohol is like antobitics, it kills all the good bacteria (some bad like it because of the sugars)

    please do something besides painkillers, the hint is the fact it has killers in the title and i speak from experience!

    • What you say is all true but sometimes you need a pain killer with the flu, viral things etc.

    • You are right about pain killers srhardy.

      But the trouble is not everyone is the same as you, what could work for you could not work for others for example others might need to drink full cream milk.

      Also getting a test for ulcers and a "bowl endoscope" could be a long time on the waiting list and cost a lot of money.

  • Self medication, with or without the advice of strangers on a bargain forum, is foolish to say the least. A good chemist will advise about "pain deadeners" use, efficacy, and possible side effects for the grand sum of $nil, nothing, nada! Bargain. Then buy generic, only use when advised or when absolutely necessary, follow instructions on the pack, and as the ad goes - 'if pain persists consult a doctor'.

  • +2

    As a pharmacist I recommend ibuprofen to be taken for no more than 3-4 days in a row. As others have pointed out, it increases the risk for gastric ulcers, heart burn issues but can also increase your blood pressure.

    As per ibuprofen + codeine combinations, it's not a long term analgesic. It's got the exact amount of ibuprofen as your normal tablet plus 15mg of codeine. Causes drowsiness in some people, constipation in others. For someone who is looking to buy ibuprofen in bulk, I'll say be careful with the combination codeine stuff. It can cause dependence and addiction.

    If the pain is ongoing, have you tried exercising? By strengthening the muscles in the area, the pain can be reduced. By avoiding exercise on sore parts can cause weakening of the muscles and cause a downward spiral of worsening chronic pain.

    Other things that could be helpful would be applying heat to the area or weight loss (reduces the load on the area)

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