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WeLoop Tommy Waterproof Long Life SmartWatch USD $64.97 + Free Shipping

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New WeLoop Tommy Waterproof Long Life SmartWatch using low power consumption features as Bluetooth 4.0 connection and Sharp Memory LCD display! Up to 3 weeks on 1 charge! (time subjected to the way and frequency of usage)


  • 1.26 inch 144x168 pixels Sharp Memory LCD display clearly visible under the sunlight, scratch resistant;
  • -93 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth® low energy mode;
  • 5ATM 50m Waterproof rugged body;
  • 3-Axis Accelerometer;
  • Calls and SMS/notifications reminding, Camera and Music remote control, Pedometer, Distance measurement, Find Phone, Low battery alarm features;
  • weight: 37 g

Here is the real life video:…

The watch has already a big community. New updated firmwares are released.
More information you can find on different specialized forums, for example, here…

Please, use the coupon to get the best price on-line. Free shipping and EMS/DHL options are available.

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closed Comments

  • New Weloop Tommy

    Did you make that name up?

    • +1

      Dear sir, what do you exactly mean?
      It's the name given by manufacturers - "WeLoop Tommy" (I accidently wrote Weloop at first, but fixed it)

      • What do you loop Tommy in?

        • +1


        • @daver


          Are they similar to Eneloops ?

        • @jv: Yes they are batteries for Pikey's

      • +2

        Yes, I have to admit, too, that names of Chinese manufacturers gadgets are funny sometimes :)

  • +1

    "Memory LCD" lol, maybe e-ink?
    non-standard connector %-]

    Still should be a nice toy)
    I guess every geek these days has some sort of SmartWatch ))) (me too)

    • +1

      Dear sir, I used the description provided by manufacurer. You can see it on promo pictures like this…
      Of course it seems that it really is a e-ink, but I sticked to the description provided :)

      • +1

        No worries, I'm having fun on the original description definitely, not you, or site you represent.
        BTW, Site is great! I LOVE it!!! Thanks for your work guys!

        BTW2, Can you suggest SmartWatch ~$100 with defcent battery life (~ week) and fully compatible to iOs?

        • I've contacted the shop's employee, and got the answer from their product department that this watch is the best option among the goods they sell for now. All other have less battery lifetime, because of usual TFT screens and really sometimes not fully iOS compatible.
          And besides, I pass THANKS for your appreciation from the shop!

        • @Libria:
          What the hell …
          Seems a really nice gadget.
          I'll have one )))

      • This is more information about the display that I just found. Quote:
        "The Sharp Memory LCD is a mixture between e-paper and a LCD; A static image has a small power consumption this makes the battery last longer.
        In addition to that the Sharp LCD does not need backlight as the screen is transflective. This saves tons in the power consumption."
        Don't know if it's really so.

  • Gearbest has it for $65 with coupon code: LOOPCN2

    Found coupon on this website
    Every dollar saved counts

    • +1

      Dear sir, thank you for your feedback.
      The shop representative have edited the coupon and now you can get this item for USD 64.97 :)

  • +2

    Looks like a nice gadget!

  • Looks nice. Does the Music (and to a lesser importance, camera) controls work on any app or are they tied to specific supported ones, or even Weloop only apps?

    • Dear sir. I'm not really sure, seems that it can control your standard Music and Camera apps. Let me try and search it in user reviews.

    • I found this information:
      "On the status screen you can open the camera (top right) via this way you can start the camera shutter function.
      This works quite well. If you open the camera on your phone the app on the watch starts automatically….

      Since the 1.25 update you can choose what music player needs to be operated via the watch. Before it only worked with the standard music player that was installed on your phone."
      Seems that it's customizable and manufacturer really tend to update the firmware to make the watch better.

  • would rather spend a little more and get a Pebble, more functions and support from developers. Plus international warranty.

  • Weloop vs Pebble

    The breakdown:


    Last 3 times longer then the Pebble.
    Built in control functions and fitness tracker, no need to find and download apps.
    Stronger Mineral glass protection vs Pebble's scratch-tastic screen.

    Superior at pretty much everything else (Processor speed, Ram, more sensors, an appstore, customisability, international warranty, etc..)

    Hope that helps.

  • I would hate to charge my watch.

    • Minor compromise to pay for OkGoogle's Now. Add ability to capture notes n interact w' it under the stars while not needing a phone-torchlight. e-ink's features daytime.

      OTOH, I' d happily jettison Gear's backup-Cam & voice-Calls by your wrist in favour two day's standby. Making do with White LG-G till a break-thru arrives; +in my eyes ~$150 really marks the sweet spot at this point in time.

  • If there is a problem with this watch, do we have to send it back to you for warranty purposes?

    • Dear Sir, not to me directly (I'm not the shop's employee), but to the shop's returning address for replacement or fixing, as well as is done with many Chinese goods.

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