• expired

$20 off Uber Ride When You Pay with PayPal [All Users]


Enter the promo code 20PP for up to $20 off your first trip paying with Paypal.
New and existing users.

How to:
Download Uber app
Select “Payment” from the top left menu icon in your Uber app
Tap “Add Payment”
Tap “PayPal” to add your PayPal account
Select PayPal as your payment method for up to $20 off your first trip paying with Paypal

Discount only applicable to the first fare paid for with a PayPal account.
Discount will apply automatically at the end of your trip and can be seen on your receipt.
Limit one discount per person.
Discount is up to $20 and valid in Australia only.
Offer is valid from October 23 until it expires November 20, 2014
Only available for the first 2340 rides!

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (213)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Unknown error for me.

    • +1

      I just had the same thing. then went onto the website, it says to put in the code before you put in paypal details. so i deleted my paypal. then i try to put in the code it says promotion_code_applied. unsure if that means i cant use it anymore, or if it's already been added.

  • +1

    Worked for me thanks OP!

  • um, I've saved my self a free-ride which I plan to use for airport soon. Would this override it when it says "Discount only applicable to the first fare paid for with a PayPal account." ?

    • Not sure how that would work out.
      If the free ride is a payment option then it shouldn't override it if you choose to pay via paypal.
      When you order an Uber you can choose whether or not to apply any credits you might have so if the free ride you have is in credits then you can just uncheck that box so it doesn't use it up. That's my guess.

    • so you've already applied a promo code to your account? have you also tried to add pp20?

      • This promo code worked for me and I have used other codes in the past.

        • interesting - perhaps i'll contact uber…

  • Have not used Uber before. Can I actually book for a ride the day before?

    • No

    • Nope. You can only order an Uber when you need it.
      Recommend you try it out, often works out much cheaper than a regular taxi fare, and you know when the car will be there because you can track it on a map.

  • -7

    why do people keep on posting $20 vouchers when $25 and $40 ones are available?

    AIHL - $25 off First Uber Ride Anywhere - New Users Only

    New and existing users.

    don't know about all existing users - didn't work for me :(

    Another promotion was already applied

    • +1

      Because the $25/$40 are for new users and this is for all users?

      • Did you add Paypal to your account before trying to apply the code?
      • yes, but note that that shouldn't be necessary:

        Love PayPal, already Uber?

        • Select “Promotions” from the top left menu icon in your Uber app
        • Enter the promo code 20PP for up to $20 off your first trip paying with Paypal
        • Then select “Payment” from the top left menu icon in your Uber app
        • Tap “Add Payment”
        • Tap “PayPal” to add your PayPal account
        • Select PayPal as your payment method for up to $20 off your first trip paying with Paypal


        Limit one discount per person.

        i take this to mean that as per current policy only 1 promo code per account, so if you've used uber without any promo before than pp20 will work, but if you've used another code before then it won't

        • Do you still have a promo code active on your account?
          Perhaps you have to use the current one you have first before applying this one.
          Pretty sure you cant have two discounts at once.

        • no, no active promos

          what are the pp20 promo details in your account ie. description and start/end dates?

  • +1

    what if the ride is under $20? does this still work :P

    • +1

      Yes, then it becomes free.

  • Cheers

  • tried uber at chicago for the first time! super awesome!

  • I tried applying this code via my phone app and got an error. Thought it might be because I used Uber for the first time this weekend and paid using PayPal. When I log in via the web it shows this PayPal deal under Promotions. Do you think it will still apply the discount for my next ride?

    • if it shows in your account then it should apply - if not then just contact uber and they'll fix it :)

  • I get this notification (on computer-view profile)

    Paypal! Up to $20 off a ride on Uber paid with Paypal. For existing Uber users, offer only available to the first 2340 rides!

  • Only hear really good things and Uber!

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