Microsoft store don't have a price for Surface Pro 2 any more but seem is a good price for old Surface Pro 2 with type cover.
128GB $738
256GB $1,058
Actually the SP2 is more powerful than the SP3 out of the box in real world load situations such as gaming or encoding (laptop replacement tasks), even if it's a i5 in the SP2 vs an i7 in the SP3.…
Pay for an i7 in a SP3 and get worse performance than an Atom do to thermal throttling (bad heat dissipation in the SP3 forcing aggressive throttling compared to SP2).
Actually the SP3 has the same amount of power as the SP2, you will get better sustained performance on the SP2 due to thermal limits. As for real world conditions, the only time I have run into the limit was when I tried to run graphically intensive games or rendering in Vegas.
However playing videos, using onenote and editing in Vegas and Lightroom gets handled with no problem. Also gaming is pretty bad on the Surface control wise, even with an external mouse. I think your examples are more in line with a gaming laptop or a mobile workstation then a laptop.
Source. I have an i5 SP3
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…
wow i went onto the HN site, and the pop up chat said
"Hello Ozbargainer - Need any advice, talk to a expert now."
Yer it's done that for a while now but I can never get it to do it for me.
Only does it if you go through to the Harvey Norman website via Ozbargain.
that's strange, after Gerry Harvey's comment about Ozbargain members you would think he would have put it as "Need any advice, talk to a professional now" and by that i mean the HN staff member getting advice from the Ozbargain member!
Well yer i'd imagine so.. Done that plenty of times but still has either neither popped up at all or doesn't mention ozbargain when it does.
Not a dupe as the surface prices are not in the title of that deal.
Price is good and very tempting ….but I think I will wait for the same level of discount for surface pro 3 as they did with SP1,2, and soon SP3 down the track; as the new Core M chips are already out and Both NEW Lenovo Helix 2 and Dell Latitude 13 are expected to be released any day now and will be in competition with SP3 but thinner and more robust full keyboard & Fanless designs so will not overheat as some complaints seen in forums with SP3.
I expect the Surface Pro 3 will be discounted sometime next year, a few months after they relase SP4 with fanless designs and will bite then, prefer the SP3 kickstand as is so much more useful multi-angle and not just 2 angle on SP2 and obviously bigger screen and sharper QHD screen, better digitizer integration and Typecover3…..just my 2 cents.
Thats the problem with tech though. Every year tech improves so you are always going to be behind unless you upgrade on a yearly basis. Surface Pro 3 has been selling really well for Microsoft so I doubt there will be heavy discounts like for the Pro 2. I don't understand this fanless design, does that just mean the laptop will heat up more often instead of the fan going off?
NO fans No noise and more battery life as well on Core M new chipset, SP4 will definitely be uisng it as well as it will be thinner without needing a fan to cool it as all new generation tablets and convertibles IMO.
Have you seen Yoga Pro 3 reviews? It's not drastically different. It still throttles, there's still fan noise..
Sure, you can have the latest tech and save a few bucks.. if you wait 12 months.
Yeh the struggle is real with this deal. I think when it comes down to it the 4:3 ratio and multi angle kickstand do make the SP3 a more worthwhile purchase despite the price differences. The screen is a bit too small for my liking on the previous 2 generations.
Those new 2-in-1's will almost definitely have a superior typing experience due to having a proper keyboard, as well as some battery life boosts and ports availability. But I think the SP3 really does appeal to people who prioritise the pen and tablet form factor over that.
The battle between the digitzers is still up in the air imo, both Wacom and N-Trig have their advantages and disadvantages. What I haven't seen much of at all online is how long the battery on the pen actually lasts. Don't particularly fancy my pen dying on me at crucial times without notice, would've been much easiar to just use a pen and pad.
Buying tech a generation behind is fine when improvements are only incremental as they were for the SP2 over the SP1. But the SP3 represents a massive leap forward over the SP2.
Microsoft has done their experimentation in form factor and found 16:9 seriously wanting. Spend 5 minutes playing with an SP3 and you'll see what a huge difference the aspect ratio makes. Personally, I think you'd be nuts to buy an SP2 if you are keen on this particular form factor. You'll end up hating it because of the screen ratio or liking it enough to want to upgrade to an SP3 anyway - why not just find out straight away?
what a crap, fanless design will almost likely to overheat, unless M$ put restriction on CPU to prevent it go hot (which they already did), and you end up paying premium for an upgraded underpowered version.
Or unless the Atom tablet which are fanless.
Not a bad deal but the $540 Surface Pro 128GB Deal back in March was better. 64GB just isn't enough for a Windows PC, even with MicroSD. Awesome that it includes the Type cover. I wish that they would reduce the price on these.
Also bear in mind that both the Surface Pro 2/3 use Haswell processors which has been superseded by Broadwell/Core M.
But that is Surface Pro 1 mate.
I'm very aware of that - I bought one! But that was six months ago. Since then the Surface Pro 2 has been superseded by the Surface Pro 3 and Intel has released a new processor.
Given all this I'm surprised that the Surface Pro 2 128GB is still $738, although it does include the Type cover. It's still an awesome price and undeniably excellent value for a fully fledged tablet PC but don't be surprised if there is further discounting going on.
On the other hand, Microsoft might have learnt some inventory management from the release of the Surface/Pro.
Looking at the 128GB model now for $200 more, considering that it includes the Black Type Cover 2 it's pretty on par I would say (and considering the $540 was student price). I thought the SP1 battery life was a bit ridiculously bad for something that was meant to replace your portable devices. But I agree they really should be bundling those, I can't even fathom someone who would buy this without it (they would really be the 1% … if even).
My better half is looking to upgrade her very old Asus laptop, and this might be a good choice.
She only uses it for internet browsing and iTunes (update her iPhone and iPod), with occasional VPN to her office to work remotely. I'm unfamiliar with the Surface, does it function the same as a laptop and therefore would handle these abilities? Having a tablet that performs basic laptop functions would be perfect.
Any drawback on getting the 64GB and throwing in a 128GB Micro SDXC to up the capacity? It would only be for music/movie files.
Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
There's only 1 USB port. No ethernet port, unless you use an adaptor (which plugs into the USB port).
Otherwise, hardware wise, similar to a normal laptop, with a touchscreen and stylus. The keyboard is quite shallow, so if someone is used to typing on a full fledged keyboard with deeper keys, it may be an issue. No keypad either.
The SurficePro is a laptop in tablet form. You can do anything a pc can do.
Types ok, but for any lengthy typing, you would probably prefer a real keyboard.
The screen is absolutely beautiful, but again, for office use, you might want to connect it up to a larger monitor
If you use it for files only, why not?
If you can afford it, get the 128 GB model, 64 is still usable but you need to keep deleting things from it. If you have good technical skills you will be fine. I'm good with my 64gb but 128 will make my life easier.
I'm looking at this to replace my Asus Transformer Prime which I mainly use for reading magazine PDF files and watching videos, would this do the trick?
What about applications? I know all Windows software spells on these bit are there any Surface Pro specific apps? And what about using it to edit Photoshop or GoPro videos?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
The pro can be used as a real PC. So actual programs can be installed like any other laptop. The surface RT however is limited to windows apps (which sucks)
I know friends who use it with photoshop and works without an issue. They mainly draw straight onto it. But you can connect mouse and keyboard and edit it as you would on a PC. Not sure about the GoPro part, but assuming it should be ok because it can be a laptop replacement.
anyway know any good PDF editign apps, good for uni…i would buy this for th stlus but i havent been able to find many apps that are touch friendly - use stylus support well and can edit/ type onto PDF
I know this doesn't help with this, but an iPad with Goodnotes + stylus is a killer combo for handwritten notes.
stylus? like the fat ones?
use onenote? you can "print" pdfs to onenote and it displays them on a single page. e.g.
Good deal, but the extra storage is a bit of a rort. 64 to 128GB means you're paying $101 for an extra 64GB
The Windows OS itself will use around 20GB, which is fatter than iOS or Android which use the same pricing structure.
cannot compare a windows os to a mobile platform lol
the sp3 if you want to get a worthy laptop replacement otherwise it's too clunky as a tablet on its own.
The SP2 has better performance than the SP3 due to aggressive thermal throttling on the SP3.
"Even simple Windows 8 store games run faster on my ASUS T100TA (Atom Z3740, 2GB RAM) than my Surface Pro 3 (i5 4300U, 8GB RAM) on battery due to aggressive throttling."
Pay for an i7 in a SP3 and get worse performance than an Atom.…
Are you better off just getting the 64Gb and chucking a micro sdxc card in? Eg can you install programs to it, unlike issues with installing programs onto cards in Android devices?
Was looking at geting one for the wife to install her business applications onto as being more portable than her laptop.
I'd think overall it'd be better to install the programs into the actual device and saving everything else (files) onto the micro sd card. Just saying…
Fair enough, I'll get the 128 then just to play it safe.
So what's the battery of the 2's like vs. the 3's? I thought it was the jump from 1 to 2 that increased the battery life significantly, but did it improve much further with 3?
It's minimal compared to the 3. The differences between 2 and 3 are mainly:
- Wacom (accurate but edge detection issues) vs N-Trig (less accuracy but no issues writing towards edge)
- Heating issues with 3
- CPU Throttling in 3
- Obviously the screen real estate
Got an upgrade from SP2 i5 to SP3 i7, and the battery life has gone down a bit, partly due to the more power consuming i7, but more-so due to the bigger screen and the fan coming on more constantly.
No regrets due, the screen ratio is so much better!
Thanks for the rundown mate, this didn't seem half bad.
I prefer Ebay for second hand, usually 128gb is aorund 550 with type cover.
Nah, not in the last month or two.
I've been daily searching and watching actions for about as long and there's been very few that go under 600 for a 128gb.
If there was a 128gb SP2 with type cover for less than $575 I would have it already.
Yep the 256GBs go for around $850 - $900 on a good day.
Really hoping I get good value out of this - I pulled the trigger on the 128GB.
I was impressed with the Surface Pro 2 hardware when a customer was replacing all of their desktops with these.
does this come with a full version of office?
Tempted to go for the 256gb ssd model as it has 8gb ram… could hit a snag with spousal approval however.
Only store in MEL with any stock was Broadmeadows and no type cover with them…I wonder if online orders will be certain to get the type covers
What did they offer you instead of Type Cover? or did they just say the deal wasn't available then.
They just went on with the drivel that $738 for 256GB was below their cost and what not, and I was getting a good deal nonetheless.
When the guy said again "do you know what it costs us? The case is a bonus only, doesn't matter if you get it or not", I told them politely it wasn't my concern what it costs them and left the store.
They had the covers in stock at another place, but apparently they can't transfer stock.
$738 for 128GB or 256GB?
My apologies, 128GB
Seems a bit rude on the salesman's part, thanks for sharing.
Really? Itseems to do a lot. Maybe a hundred less or so but not 50%
I'm assuming the parent poster has confused % with $
Wait til Broadwell / Skylark next year
128Gb OOS. I've been procrastinating too long. Want to claim TRS or maybve salary package one.
Anyone receive a no stock remaining email from Harvey Norman?
Salary packaged 256gb one - they are out of black type keyboard covers. So I got the option for purple or pink only :(
Pretty good price with the money you effectively save by not paying tax/GST. When I started looking at salary sacrificing one I decided I may as well get a SP3 so it has better resale value if I want to upgrade next year. The cost of the upgrade wouldn't be too much more than I could sell the tablet second hand taking into account tax savings.
Also for those interested the 128Gb looks to be back in stock.
Back in stock!
using My new sp2 to type/handwrite this post! I'm extremely impressed with how for far the hand writing recognition has come!
OP please update that the price of the 256gb model has gone down to $988. I wonder if i can get Harvey Norman to refund the difference? :P
About to pull the trigger on the 256gb model. I prefer these over the sp3 in a number of ways.
Great price for the Surface Pro 2, especially as it includes the type cover. If you don't mind about the slightly smaller screen size than the SP3, then this is almost comparable in power.