This was posted 10 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Movie: Gravity (Google Play, Nexus 5 Only It Seems)


Apparently gravity is free for people who have the Google Nexus 5. To add it to the library, open the play movies app, and it should be there, waiting for you. Otherwise try searching for it under "Mystery and Suspense" category and it might be there.

Can others here in Aus confirm/deny this working for them ?

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Worked for me on my Nexus 5 thanks.

  • +2

    If you were looking for an "LG Nexus 5" phone:

    • has 'em for ~$400

    …I'd wait for "Free Shipping" special at

    • +15

      Buy $400 phone to get to watch gravity free :D

      • +1

        You can watch it for free any day on Channel BT :P

    • +3

      why wouldn't you buy it from the official google play store for the genuine warranty

      • +1

        Exactly, have had mine replaced once via Google Play (I purchased direct) word on the street is if you bought it somewhere else its repair through LG…

  • +2

    Worked for me on preview 5.0. Sweet it redeems in HD and added to my YouTube purchases.

  • +1

    Yep worked, thanks.

  • +1

    Using Vodafail Note 3: this item is not available in your country

    • -1

      I thought Samsung made the Note 3?

    • I had that searching in the playstore on the phone, and clicking the iconified top result offered, but doing a "proper" search rather than the offered autofind results.

      Are you opening " play movies and TV" rather than the playstore?

  • -6

    5 only it seems

    Only 5 ???

  • -1

    neither is free, hd or sd.
    i use nexus 5

    • +7

      You have to go to the movie app not the playstore ( I know you didnt do that because you cant specify hd or sd from the movie app)

      • +2

        i did click the play movie&tv app. then searched "gravity". it automatically opened the play store. buy sd $14.99, buy hd $17.99.

        • +2

          problem solved after "uninstall all updates".

          btw, i watched this movie in cinema last year. it is a MUST WATCH movie in my opinion!

          bullock was very hot in this movie. i dont like her though.

      • You do get offered the choice on clicking the download button…

  • +26

    Didn't get Gravity but I got "Shaun the Sheep" instead on my LG G2 haha

    • +3

      same here on nexus 7

  • +1

    Thanks, got it.

  • +1

    Works, cheers.

  • +1

    Worked for me, thanks.

  • +1

    Wow, yes it does

  • +1

    Comes up at $15 for me.
    I have nexus 5..

  • +2

    Yeah I got it yesterday. Initially I tried on my Nexus 7 but it didn't show up on that.

    • Do you mean you can get Gravity on your Nexus 7? Cool, I have 2013 Nexus 7 so going to try it tonight.

      • +1

        "Initially I tried on my Nexus 7 but it didn't show up on that"

      • +2

        I only got it on the Nexus 5. Two other workmates got it on the Nexus 5 as well, however one had to clear data for the Google Play Movies & TV app.

        • +1

          Yep, clearing the data worked for me too - thanks for the tip!

      • It looks like it's only Nexus 5 owners. No idea why.

        However, once you have 'got it' on the Nexus 5, it also turns up on your list of movies on the Nexus 7, and presumably any other device.

        • The original (2012) Nexus 7 got Transformers: The Dark of the Moon.

          This seems like a similar deal. I'm guessing it's a promotion for new Nexus devices (read: those available right now on the Play store).

  • +1

    Free movie!!

    …and I actually might watch it.

  • +2

    Didnt need to search for it. Launched Play movies and it's there.

    "This one's on us! Watch Gravity at no cost to you, and find more movies in the Play store"

    N5, KitKat, Telstra.

    • +1

      Exactly the same experience & details as you…

      N5, KitKat, Telstra.

      Popped up a couple of seconds after launching the app.

    • And just got Shaun the Sheep on the Nexus 7…

      I wonder what my old Samsung Galaxy Nexus will get?

  • +3
    • Crap, I had no idea it was already a forum discussion :-/
      My sources were completely different.

  • +1

    Works after I reinstall the google movie TV app.

  • +1

    Got Gravity on my Nexus 5. Will have to power up all my old devices to see what I get :P

    • +1

      Perfect to try out with the new Chromecast I bough from DSE!

  • +1

    How to cast this movie? Will I have to download the whole movie? Bcoz when I click on play…there is no casting button available.

    • +2

      If you go to YouTube and go to 'purchased' it should come up there, and then cast it like you would any other YouTube video.

    • +2

      If you're casting the movie, then there's no point downloading the movie to your phone. Chromecast will always stream - well unless you're doing screen mirroring.

      In fact once you download (sync) the movie to an Android device, then I recall you're unable to play it on another device. I think this is to prevent you from having n people logged into the one account and all playing the movie simultaneously. I.e. downloading would have been a mechanism to bypass this restriction.

  • +1

    Yep, got it from my Google Movie/TV app.

    You should get this on your phone (I'm using Nexus 5):

  • +1

    I only can watch Shaun the Sheep:The Big Chase for free.I prefer Gravity…Xpreia Z Ultra GPE

  • +1


  • +1

    Can only stream not D/L yeah?

    • +1

      I think you can download it (pin it) to your android device. But not like a common MP4/AVI file, its basically locked in the device.

  • +1

    I've never used this hack before but just putting it out there "for science". Market Helper (beta) can spoof devices -
    Use at your own risk on rooted Androids.

  • +2

    Got it - am on Nexus 5!

  • +1

    Can confirm it works, but I had to uninstall Google Movies and reinstall to get it.

  • +1

    No can do on my LG G3, but I was able to bet Big for free.

  • +1

    yep, worked for me on nexus 5. Thanks :)

  • +1

    If I log into my account on some one elses Nexus 5 will this work? or is it even reasonably possible (i.e. would it just be a sign out sign in action or would they need to format the phone first?)

  • +1

    Got Shaun the Sheep on my One Plus, and Gravity on my Tab S.

  • +1

    Not working for me :( .I got a nexus 5 and own a few TV shows and several movies

  • Gravity came free with my phone but has caused it damage due to it constantly dropping to the floor now.. As for the movie, it's overrated but +1 because it's at the correct price it deserves to be.

  • +1

    Thank i got it.
    just wondering if its free to keep on your account forever or just a free rental?

    • +2

      Looks like it's free forever (effectively purchased), like other freebies they've given out before (including Shaun the Sheep…).

      And it's the HD version.

  • +1

    Gravity was the most overrated movie in the history of movies.

    • +3

      nothing like some negative reviews to bring it back down to earth.

  • +2

    I am offered 'Shaun the Sheep: The Big Chase' for free on my Note 4. >_<

  • +4

    I loved this film. Great achievement. I wonder if it's free because of this:…

  • +1

    Thanks! Something else to download using my Vodafone data workout unlimited 4g data :)

  • +1

    Worked for me :)

  • +1

    Doesn't work for me. Says not available in my region, but got Shaun the Sheep =)

  • +1

    For the nth time, a screenshot got me. Thought I had the deal.

  • +1

    Shaun the Sheep as well…S4

  • Works perfectly for me and my son- both of us have nexus 5.

  • It works! Cheers OP!

  • +1

    For those who want to get the movie for free and don't have a current Nexus device, you could sign in to a demo Nexus 5 at a Telstra store (if they still have them on display), get the movie added to your account, then remove the account.

    • +2

      Or, you know, there's always BT.

  • Works. But resolution is like 360p.

  • Got it on my nexus 7(2012) after updating ota to lollipop and then doing a factory data reset.

  • got it on my samsung tab s :)

  • Got it in my nexus 7 2013, lollipop. Had to reinstall Google Play but it was worthed

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