This was posted 10 years 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bayonetta 2 (with Bayonetta 1 Included) Wii U $55.20 Using 20% off JB Hi-Fi Now Voucher @JB Hi-Fi


I just tested the Jbhifi Now sign up voucher again and they sent the voucher to my email, PLUS It's on their homepage now so head in store with it and get Bayonetta 2 With 1 included Wii U for $55.20 using 20% off voucher.

Just simply log in using your facebook page and they will send the voucher to your email linked to the FB Account.


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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +2

    Is the voucher code still 9204002392?

    • +5

      Yes same barcode num

      • I purchased an ipad and got a voucher for 25%off.

      • I'd like to know how often they changed the barcode number.

        I have two mobile numbers, I used one code last month (I think) and used another code to buy Bayonetta 2.

        Both different barcode numbers. :/

        • i have that same barcode from ages ago.. would i still be able to use it? i cant register again

        • +1


          If it hasn't expired, then yes. Just make sure you don't get the same salesperson/cashier if you're going to the same store multiple times in case they recognise you. Alternatively you could go to a different store for each purchase.

        • @grab_ur_freebies: I never used it in the first place. Been well over a week since I got the voucher.

          I guess I can give it a try.. Will be awkward if the voucher is expired though!

    • Do i need to print it out or can i just show it?

      • Think you need to print it out, I would just to be sure

      • Yep, print outs required.

      • +1

        I showed them on my phone. Didn't print out…

    • +12

      Gee your way off everyone's opinion, the game pretty much got 10/10's from all game review sites

        • +12

          and you are either a troll, or an ignoramus who doesn't bother researching before commenting online.
          The Wii U version has an average of 91/100 from 59 online reviews -

          better than the PS3 version of Bayonetta - which as I already commented, had bad frame rates compared to the superior XBOX 360 version.

    • it was terrible on the PS3 - chugged like the Fat Controller pulling a line of carriages

    • +1

      It's one of the mostly highly rated games of the year and you're getting it for almost $25 below it's RRP just a week after launch…

        • +4

          You poor, poor kid. This is a cry for help isn't it. The world shut you out, your family turned away and now you feel the need, nay, the compulsion to troll comments for down votes, because even a negative connection to the world is better than none. Well don't worry little guy, we're here for you. Here, have another down vote and keep feeling those feels! You just hang in there alright, things are gonna turn out just fine for you, you'll see!

        • +3


          Pretty much. This is a bargain site after all. Not a review site.

        • @holden93:

          You're entitled to your opinion, but what did you expect from leaving comments like this on a post about buying a game you don't like?

          Leave stuff like this on the forums mate

    • So what games have you played this year that are better?

        • +3

          Do you even have a wii u? It doesn't sound like it at all

        • +1

          I'd really be interested to know what games you like, holden93.

        • @johnno07:

          I'd be surprised if he/she likes games at all…

        • @holden93: what games do you play then?

        • +7

          @zelda707: probably like Neopets

        • @taQ:

          doubt so……… tamagochi?

        • +1

          @holden93: You still have not told us what games you like, angry kid.

        • @johnno07: probably unreal tournament, just add German to his nickname and search for him on YouTube lol

    • All in the matter of taste/preference.

      "One man's trash is another man's treasure". Each to their own…

    • A lot of negs for your terrible opinion.

        • +15

          you're not pissing anyone off though dude, you're just making yourself seem like a complete tool.

        • +1

          if you wanna troll gamers go to ign or somewhere. we're ozbargainers, we only hunt bargains.

        • @didsburydan: i can't even remember when i stopped reading comments from ign

    • +2
    • You still crying over Bayonetta 2 not coming to sony and ms consoles eh!?.. get over it kid

      • -4

        You do realize im a pc gamer right? lol

        • yes and I also ride a Unicorn to work.. you realize that? =)

  • +1

    Did this yesterday morning, been playing it all weekend. Great game and great value considering you get the original Bayonetta too.

  • +1

    I already have Bayonetta on PS3, does Bayonetta 1 look better on Wii U or the same as PS3?

    • +3

      On PlayStation 3 textures suffered a great deal, perhaps due to its split-memory architecture and lack of developer familiarity, but we're happy to report that all of the original 360 assets are present and accounted for on Wii U. Textures are presented at full resolution with their normal maps, which were often missing on PS3.

      Full article here…

    • +3

      better - the Wii U version doesn't have the slowdowns that the PS3 version had, nor does it have the lower resolution texture issue - read about it's development here -…

    • Thanks!

    • The PS3 version is the worst version of them all. Before the Wii U version, the Xbox 360 one was considered the definitive version. Now…I think the Wii U port is better (don't quote me on this though as I haven't played it myself).

  • Can the AU console play UK games (I'm thinking of buying it from somewhere else)? Will the download code from the UK edition be redeemable on the AU store? How big is the download for Bayo 1?

    • Yes it can.

    • +2

      Au NNID can't download the UK version. Code just won't work so you'll have to make a UK a account on your WiiU.

    • Any reason? Each to their own but I think it may be risky. Good price and you get both games on disc in separate cases

      • I just went ahead & pre-ordered the UK PAL ver. from Dungeon Crawl for $69 on Fri. Nintendo Europe (UK) still seals their games which is good. I'm pretty OCD when it comes to buying games as I expect it to be guaranteed 100% new & unused. Special ed. comes with a artsy outer box too, but 1st print ed. is way better though.

        I believe the AU ver. is 2 BD discs in one case?

        • +1

          No, it's not.

          2 separate games in 2 separate cases with special outer box as well.

          I can understand your OCD but it's brand new (if you're at EB or JB) considering it's fresh from the supplier shipment box if you pick it up on day one.

          Your only problem would be with retailers such as Big W, K-Mart, Target, etc who gut the games.

          That said, if you get a gutted game from EB, you can always asked for a sealed one (if they received them as sealed from the supplier and they stll have "sealed" copies left over).

        • +2


          On release day, you can guarantee yourself that you'll get a brand new copy from EB games. However, after a week or so there is a possibility that you might received a used copy due to their 7 day no questions asked return policy.

          Having said that, you can always ask for a sealed copy. And if they don't have a sealed copy instock, it's safe to assume that it's a returned copy and you should take your business elsewhere.

          JB on the other hand, your pretty much guaranteed that it will be a brand new as they don't accept returned/used games.

        • @Hirokuro:

          I think JB also guts their games stock?

          Besides I think its too late to cancel the DC order anyway as I already received a tracking no./shipping confirmation. Oh well…

        • @Donatello: So wait, the Aus version is 2 physical game cases? Like the UK special edition?

        • @johnno07:
          Bayonetta comes packed in with the purchase of every retail packaged version of Bayonetta 2.

        • @grab_ur_freebies:

          I've always received my games sealed from my local JB in particularly preorders.

          However they do gut about 3 or 4 non pre-order copies and use them as display stock.

        • @Hirokuro:

          When you mention sealed, you are referring to Nintendo AU & sealed with plastic wrap aren't you? I thought they stopped sealing games to reduce costs?

        • @grab_ur_freebies:

          Yes with the plastic wrap.

          A bit of topic, but I find the AU seal (despite it being just plastic shrinkwrap) to be much higher quality to their UK counterparts. However, the UK print quality (cover inlay) I find to be much better than the AUS printed ones.

          To be honest I actually still have a few sealed Wii games that I bought from JB last year in my cabinet.

        • @Hirokuro:

          Thanks for sharing your experience. Will be sure to ask for a sealed copy of Nintendo games when I buy in future.

          AFAIK, Nin-AU doesn't seal their 1st party games from the factory. Maybe JB has their own sealing machine?

          To clarify: does the plastic have the Nintendo branded opening strip? If not, then I'm pretty sure JB does it themselves.

          Nintendo 3rd parties (eg. Ubisoft etc) do seal their games.

          Also, the copy of Nintendoland in the SL bundle & MK8 I have didn't come sealed.

        • @grab_ur_freebies:

          All of my Nintendo AU games including their first party games were factory sealed. This was not only from JB but also through Big W's online store (when they still sold games).

          As for the Nintendo strip, I'm not entirely sure although I'll go and check when I return home in a months time.

        • +1

          You get an outer cardboard box that says special edition with 2 games cases and discs inside. Its just what I was hoping for

        • +1


          Would've been helpful if I'd known this before I bought the UK ver. I did do some googling for info on the AU ver, but all the sites & pics show the box art of the US ver which uses the one Bayonetta 2 case to house the 2 games so I thought AU would get the same offering. Hence why I bought the UK ver. My instincts failed me this time…

          Hmm, effectively paid full price & wasted $14…

        • @johnno07: Yes. 2 cases, 2 games, one cardboard box to house both cases.

        • @Hirokuro:
          Totally agree with what you said. It's just that EB 7 day (rental - oops!) no question asked return policy. :/

        • @Dany34:

          You get an outer cardboard box that says special edition with 2 games cases and discs inside. Its just what I was hoping for

          Are you referring to the standard AU edition?

        • @lostn:

          So the one JB is selling is the special ed. that comes with 2 game cases & outer box? This one?

          Everything is the same except the ratings label.

        • @lostn:

        • @grab_ur_freebies: I was exactly the same. I was going to get it here, but thought it was two discs in one case due to the artwork EB/JB etc were displaying. So ordered from Ozgameshop at $69.99 for the benefit of waiting two extra weeks for it sight.

          This is one of the most confusing game releases in recent memory!

        • @johnno07:

          At least I now feel better knowing someones in the same boat. I got mine from Dungeon Crawl for the same price which already had the UK stock in Melb. so I should be getting mine tomorrow.

          I feel sorry for you having to wait that long… :-(

          Still sux to have paid more though…lose out on 3x tubs of Connoisseur or 7x packs of Kettle chips or 14x hack McFlurries etc

        • @grab_ur_freebies: Do not remind on all the things I've missed out on for $14! haha

      • I found it cheaper on ebay, plus I've been disinclined to buy any video games from AU since the censorship/banning era where games got banned or censored for the stupidest reasons. I don't have faith that our games are in tact, so as a rule, I try to avoid buying locally, unless they are Nintendo games which are always G rated anyway.

        Also, being a bit nitpicky, I don't like the big ratings labels AU games slap on the cover.

        • You should see the classification labels they use in most of EU…huge, ugly & in some cases ruins the nice artwork! shivers

        • @grab_ur_freebies: Dat Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle rating.

  • +1

    Bought the game saturday morning using the code. 5 hours into Bayo 1 and it is still tough as ever to get good trophies for the levels. Can not wait to finish to play number 2. From reviews and demo it looks like a goty contender for sure.

  • +5

    Lul, thought it was the game with a Wii U included for $55 and was like wat..

    • +2

      Same, I had the credit card out and ready

    • +1

      Badly worded. LOL.

    • Fortunately the title has been changed now. Before; "Damn I have to buy a WiiU at that price!"

  • Does anyone have a link for the voucher they could share? I've signed up and they're not sending it :(.

    • Check your Junk mail…..

    • I had the same issue when I signed up through facebook. Try signing up using your mobile, that worked for me

  • I used one of these 20% off codes yesterday. Signed up and received the email on Tuesday and it says they expire in a week, but there's no expiry date and when the JB staff scan them, don't be surprised if they say it's expired.

    If you print the email you receive (with the date), they'll put it through manually.

    • It says max $100 per transaction. I assume you can buy 2 or more games in one transaction the 20% discount is capped?

  • Sad for Nintendo that this seems to be the only major 3rd party release for the Wii U in recent memory.

    • There was Wonderful 101 last year…. Which was also Platinum…. And also the same kind of game.

      So there's your choices for Wii-U games. Nintendo franchises or Platinum beat em ups!

    • There was a Resident Evil and One Piece Red World as well. Project Cars and Watchdogs are coming as well but yeah, slim pickings.

  • +1

    Anyone else unable to find Bayonetta on JB's website? They taken it down?

    • Probably means it's only available instore now? I got Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call Limited Edition from them instore even after it was taken down from their site.

  • If you take a display case to the counter will they automatically give you a sealed copy, or the gutted copy? I really don't want the gutted copy, which is why I prefer buying games online.

    • Nintendo don't sell sealed games in Australia.

      THey get the discs imported from NOE and print the covers and assemble everything in Scoresby, VIC.

      • -2

        Wat? I work at EBGames, this is a lie.

        • +1

          Your not a very attentive employee then, locally any game distributed by Nintendo Australia is not sealed as it's assembled locally.

          If it's sealed then its imported by another distributor. (It does happen however not often).

        • -4


          Nope, I top the KPI charts most weeks, I know my games and you're just plain wrong. Several times a week we get huge boxes of games to unpack, all the Wii ones are sealed I know because we have to "gut" games and put the empty boxes on display (this way they can only steal empty cases).

          Get rekt.

        • +1

          @Prothean: You mean WiiU?


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