Roof Ventilation (WhirlyBird) Promo Code

Hi Guys,
i have been thinking to install a whirlybird to help with the heat at night.
When i was a Sunday herald subscriber i saw a full page promotion with a promo code from, supplied and installed for $199. the promo code unfortunately has expired. i have tried google and i found nothing.

I hope OZ-bargain fellow could help me. If any of you a Sunday herald subscriber care to share the promo code, i would really appreciate it.


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  • Whirly birds are about $50 from bunnings. I'm sure if you called up a local handyman from the paper, he could do it for less than that.

    • Those are smaller. From memory, the same size is around $90

  • thanks, will go that option if i cant get the promo code. still prefer to go with twista

  • Make sure you have enough roof ventilation, as if air cannot get in freely through other methods you will find the amount of hot air which is removed will be reduce or nullified, and your investment with it.

  • I would suggest taking a look at these solar powered fans( from masters.
    I switched from whirly birds to these and they make quite a big difference.
    Only thing I've noticed is that you can hear a slight humming noise during the day when they fully ramp up.
    They are very well priced compared to their competition. Masters gets them from the USA.

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