WD TV live for ~$100

Looking for a wd tv live for about 100 bucks can anyone help. Cheapest according to static ice is $118 but would prefer to buy from bricks and mortar in case the particular use case I am after will not work.



  • Kogan has them for $109.00 + delivery
    Depending on how much the delivery costs are for you it might be a good price.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufqn5t4lvkuld03/Western%20Digital%…

    Price Match with the attached… If that helps

  • I've been chasing one myself.

    COTD have them for $108…you can basically get it for $107.85 shipped if you use the $8 BDAY coupon code, which still works, I've just tested it! ;)

    The only thing stopping me from pulling the trigger is this:

    Dispatch in 7 - 9 days

    …typical COTD, could take weeks to actually get the thing! :/

  • Thanks guys. Shibster will definitely take that to ow and see if they can match it tomorrow.


    • its worth a try. receipt is from June though.

  • Nothing to loose. Worst they can do is say no

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