Free Auspost Scales Have Finally Arrived!

For the 100's of Ozbargain hunters who had given up hope on receiving their free digital scale from Auspost….wait no longer as they are being delivered today!

From first inspection they seem very sturdy.


  • yeah, i pushed the batteries in and bent the actual battery in half lol, and i'm not some muscle man lol. Just be careful with the batteries :P Otherwise i'm sure it will do the job, as other people have mentioned a plastic bag will probably be best when weighing items.

    • got mine today (melbourne) and yes i dent the batteries, but still work! tee hee, i was just going to post some stuffs oversea so this is just great!

  • About time!!!
    Phews…long waiting…

  • yeap recieved mine this morning.. pretty good freebie considering they chuck in free postage and batteries and everything..

    but tbh havent found much use for these haha

  • Got mine today too :-) I'm sure this will come in handy with stuff being posted from eBAy sales!

  • Got mine today in Melbourne :) Very happy! Well worth the weight ;)

  • Received, thanks again mshannon for the link.

  • Got mine yesterday.

    Thank you OP :)

  • +2

    Yup the battery won't fit properly. I used a dremel tool to trim about one full coil off the spring, and then it fits nicely.

    Those that dented their batteries, i recommend removing them and trimming the spring, as the battery may start to leak.

    • Dremel tool to trim a tiny spring? You must be an american, they use dremel tools for everything! Ever heard of a pair of side cutters? :-D

  • Any one in SA receive them? Still waiting for mine.

  • +1

    I got mine a couple of days ago (Melbourne) and am hoping to find a use for them soon :P

    • Nothing here yet (I'm also in Melbourne).

  • Received mine a few days ago. Excellent freebie! As mentioned by others, the middle battery slot does take a little bit of force to get the battery in. I've actually used the scales to weigh a package before I lodged it with the post office too :P

  • Still waiting for mine (Melbourne)

  • Received mine a couple of days ago as well and am in Melbourne. Thanks again.

  • Still have yet to get mine too, also in Melbourne =\

  • +1

    Looks like I've missed out. I emailed them and received this today:

    Thank you for your enquiry, due to a very high number of registrations that were received, the actual stock of the scales ran out as at close of business on August 12th. As per our terms and conditions of the promotion we were running it until the stocks ran out.
    Paul Le Good
    Click and Send
    Australia Post
    1300 662 710

    • the actual stock of the scales ran out as at close of business on August 12th

      That's just BS! Lame excuse

      mshannon on 13/08/2009 - 13:38

      Some people get it after mshannon posted

      This is not good enough!

      • I agree.

        I emailed the AP guy again and just receive this:
        "Yes we are sorry about that but much of the advertising was pre-booked.
        We did not expect to run out of stock so quickly but the offer was put up on a "freebie" web site and we have thousands of applications by people who never intent to use the system.


        It's a shame - I did actually intend to use the scales as I sell online and my old scales are on their last legs. Oh well.

        • That's very poor customer service.

          I am still waiting for mine too. And I would have been using it for weighing stuff.

          • @Lenneth: Granted, their sign-up system should have been more robust to prevent the over-subscription which occurred, however I think it's unfair to pass judgement regarding customer service based on the fact that you missed out on a freebie, given that the terms of the promotion did state that the promotion was available until stocks ran out.

            • +1

              @GreenGuava: Actually missing out is fine for me. I'm judging them because the scales weren't given out on a first come, first served basis which would have been fair. And also the person who replied back to chichi was quite rude by saying that people on here were signing up for it just because it was free and not because we were going to use it (how would he know?). Even if nobody here was going to use it, it was an unnecessary thing to say and he could have just stopped at "we have thousands of applications". There was no need for him to make an assumption on why people where signing up for the scales.

    • DAM!
      I registered 13 AUG '09

  • +3

    They shouldn't have taken more registrations than they had "free scales" under the offer. I'm not sure why companies continue to be allowed to do this…

    • I think it's possible that their web-based system was not reacting the big influx of requests fast enough. They pull the deal before the expiry date — but not quick enough (it should probably be automated).

  • After 2 weeks of this post…still yet to get mine.
    So my guess is I'm in the same boat as chichi

  • I have to laugh…

    2 weeks ago I noticed a parcel shoved with force half way through my letter slot - crushing it. I remember thinking 'oh no, whatever that is it will probably be damaged, AP strikes again'

    It turned out to be the AP scales.

    • so issit broken? sowie just got to ask ;p

  • So I just got an email from AusPost saying this:

    Dear Click and Send registered user,
    In updating our database for administration purposes, we note that you registered for in August and have not yet used the service.

    If you wish to remain a registered user on Click and Send, please reply to this email with “Registered User” in the subject line.

    If no response is received by Tuesday 20/10/09, your registration details will be removed from the system.
    Kind regards
    The Click and Send team at Australia Post

    Australia Post is committed to providing our customers with excellent service. If we can assist you in any way please telephone 13 13 18 or visit our website.

    The information contained in this e-mail communication may be proprietary, confidential or legally professionally privileged. It is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. You should only read, disclose, re-transmit, copy, distribute, act in reliance on or commercialise the information if you are authorised to do so. Australia Post does not represent, warrant or guarantee the integrity of this e-mail communication has been maintained nor that the communication is free of errors, virus or interference.

    If you are not the addressee or intended recipient please notify us by replying direct to the sender and then destroy any electronic or paper copy of this message. Any views expressed in this e-mail communication are taken to be those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically attributes those views to Australia Post and is authorised to do so.

    Please consider the environment before electing to print this e-mail.

    I have no problems with the email itself….but i am not at all happy about the fact that my email address, along with the email addresses of several other people, is visible and available for everyone to see! Grrrrr

    • So, the email was sent to you with multiple visible email addresses in the recipient/CC field?

      • +2

        Yes it was…….my email contained around 550 email addresses, no doubt the email addresses of all the oz-bargain users. This was my primary email address too, so I will almost certainly have to change it given the influx of spam I am likely to get.

        Here's the apology (They obviously have there spell checker on US English given the spelling of apologise)……

         "Dear Click & Send Customer, 
         Recently, Australia Post sent you an e-mail asking if you would still like to remain a registered user of our Click & Send product.
         Due to a human error on our part, this e-mail bore your e-mail address in the address line and the details of all other e-mail recipients.
         Australia Post sincerely apologizes to you for this  error and we  regret any concern or inconvenience our mistake may have caused you.
         Protecting the privacy, security and the confidentiality of your personal information is very important to us - it is fundamental to the way have become one of Australia’s most trusted corporations.  As such, I have taken appropriate steps to prevent this error occurring again in the future.  Should you require further information I have included my contact details below.
         Yours sincerely 
         John Pane "

        Free scales and free spam. Cheers Auspost!

        • I would like to know what steps they have taken so it does not occur again!

          • +1

            @SydGuy: Not letting the work experience kid do it.

          • +1

            @SydGuy: @sydguy

            I think the best course of action is not to reply to the original email, and thus by default we will be removed from the database.

            Note: removed from Auspost's database, but not the spammers databases!

  • +1

    My scale ended its life last month.

    • +1

      Woah.. you necro-ed a 2 year old thread..

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