• expired

Regular Coke 600ml $0.66 @ Target Unley SA. Normally $3.50


Just dropped by layby today to pick up my $19 target shelf from an earlier deal.
Noticed they had 600ml bottles of coke on clearance for 66 cents each. Only those next to layby, the ones in the fridge are still $3.50.
Not too sure if it matters since coke lasts forever, but expiry is 1 Nov 2014.
It probably is cheaper per liter when you buy bigger bottles, but still a decent deal for a convenient size!

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • -4


    • I listed the expiry above. 1st Nov 2014.

      • Contains natural preservatives.

        • Yep - it will kill you. hmmmm yummy.

  • +2

    Coke definitely doesn't last forever. As noted, the best by (or expiry) is on the bottle. I wouldn't drink one 3-4 months past expiry - it tends to go all bitter tasting and also loses it's bubbles. YMMV

      • +1

        Not sure why they are so many haters. Perhaps another venue would have been more appropriate.

      • -1

        @ mattgal - agree

      • Please preach less, each to their own. Also, it's common knowledge this stuff isn't good for you, like any other junk food. Moderation is king.

      • Mom, is that you?

    • -3

      it wouldn't lose the bubbles.

      there is no where for the CO2 to go!

      if anything the nastier it gets the more bubbles it will also get! lol

    • -1

      Why neg me? Because you don't like Coke?

  • +11

    Fwiw the rewards code is worth 50c per code.

    • +4

      Plus the 10c deposit on the bottle. 6 cent Coke

    • At least $1.44 if you exchange it for a Hoyts XS ticket

  • I thought stores aren't allowed to sell stuff past expiree date only past best by date

    • +12

      It's still October.

      • +50

        I'm an idiot.

        • Too much LSD again. :D

        • Too much Coke again. :D

  • +1

    Good deal, but coke is extremely bad for your health.

    • +7

      Duh that's why you get a diet coke with your triple patty whopper.

      • Make sue you 'hold cheese' to make is healthier…

        • lol wat

        • It's the carbs & sugar in the buns that will actually get you.

        • +7


          but my anaconda don't want none unless they got buns hun….

          I deserve to be negged for this lol

        • @nahi11:

          You have no idea how moist that made me……

    • +2

      Really? Crap! All this time I thought it was healthy!

  • +2

    What's with all the people trying to tell other people how to live their life? Yes Coke is bad for your health but so is breathing.

    • +5

      Breathing is actually quite good for your continued existence

  • -8


    Australia and obesity
    68% of Australians are obese!
    crazy statistics…

    Think about it guys.
    before you buy 24 cans of coke for 6 dollars

    • Why neg the deal? Make the comment by all means, but unless you can find it cheaper than this, it's a bargain whether you agree or not.

    • The deal wasn't about cans anyway.

  • +7

    TV's is making people fat coz people sit for too long, chips are bad for your health, biscuits have sugar, buying bottled water is damaging to the environment, the list goes on. People need to get a life.

    This is a bargain and leave all the health posts on a gym junkie forum, thanks ks.

    • +1

      This is a great bargain

      I have not seen diabetes this cheap in ages

      This is a great deal to stack with the KFC 9 pieces for $9 or whatever it is….diabetes and cardiovascular disease double

  • I prefer Baby Coke for friday nights.

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