Halloween sale for Australia. Not as good overall but some games like Demon Souls are actually cheaper.
Playstation AU Halloween Sale: Demon Souls $7.55, Killer Is Dead $11.95, Catherine $10.45, etc.

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Actually, I'd call you a masochist =P
Demon Soul, Dark Soul 1/2 is such a sadist game… but it does seem like fun
Not really. It's all about learning the game. Enemies spawn in the same areas every time, bosses can only perform a certain range of attacks, etc.
Using a guide on your first playthrough is NOT advised! You'll completely ruin the discovery experience for yourself then you'd be kicking yourself until the next Souls game. (Hurry up, Bloodborne!)
To each their own but I was more than happy to look up guides during my playthroughs especially when I get stuck, and especially in regards to weapon crafting.
After gamer gate, have no desire to call myself a gamer
Bioshock Infinite $12.95
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare $14.95THANKS FOR RUINING MY WALLET SONY
Dammit, missed and -1 instead of +1. You should be +2 now.
I need a bargain for a dialling wand.
Will be getting Red Dead Redemption at that price.
You can remove your own vote, click votes under the post and then the icon next to your vote.
It won't let me now as it has been more than an hour. Sorry jmoore626.
Now, where is that TAB?
If you do need to top up your credit, make sure you go via here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/163555
Ass Creed Black Flag for $36 (PS+) is pretty good
Is it $35 for the PS4 and $22.46 for the PS3 version (Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™ - Deluxe Edition).
I don't want to buy it for $22.46 if it's just the DLC. I'm pretty sure it's the game + some DLC yeah?
Based on the picture the Deluxe edition (PS3) includes the base game
Oddly the standard edition (PS3) is $39
And oddly again there is no deluxe edition (PS4). I am confuse.
oh yeah - it has the game box on the right hand side of the picture. I was pretty sure it was the game + DLC but I think they should spell that out. I'd be really annoyed if it turned out it was just the DLC.
OK, so that might be my next purchase then.
I have about $60 bucks, can someone recommend some games from this sale?
Bioshock Infinite & Red Dead :-)
Thanks anything else, that I should pick up?
Catherine - if you haven't already played it. Very unique game and insanely addictive too. Bought it and let it sit on my shelf for a year and then was kicking myself the whole way through it for not getting into it sooner, lent it to my girlfriend and got her addicted to it as well.
PS Plus, if you had it already you'd have had Red Dead, BioShock Infinite and Catherine for free.
@standogg: Same here, had it sitting around for awhile but then enjoyed the challenging puzzles and the story.
Bioshock $5.95 is worth it, although I didn't like it myself - Bioshock 2 was a bit easier for me.
Darksiders is worth it if you like that type of game. Seems a bit too long for me, and I don't like starting games I won't have the time to finish.
Siren Blood Curse is worth it. Graphically, and probably gameplay wise, this is closer to a PS2 games. But I actually enjoyed it a lot. It's the only survival horror game I've ever enjoyed, other than RE1 and RE2.
Bioshock 2 $7.50ish (I can't see price as I already own it). My prefered Bioshock although it's not as fun as faster paced FPSs' IMO.
Dead Space - depends if you like this kind of game. It's excellent for what it is, but it is massively annoying. I've given up as there's a section that's too hard for me and the checkpoint system is terrible, you have to replay ages. If you're a casual gamer it's best avoided.
Demons Souls - you have to have the patience of a saint, which I don't, so I avoid it. I played for an hour and it looks very good for what it is, but the questions is do you want to put yourself that amount of pain.
The Darkness II - a very good game. Worth it. You will see it well priced frequently, so in those terms it's not a bargain, but IMO it's better than Bioshock Infinite in story, atmosphere and gameplay.
Binary Domain - yeah a good romp. Enjoyable, yet forgettable. It's not a must play, but I enjoyed it, and for the price it's worth it.
Catherine - horrible. I've only played for 10 minutes on PSN. Hated it. Weird bull shit.
Dantes Inferno - I rage quit when I got stuck. It's not worth it. Kind of good but some of the puzzles just don't quite work.
Dead Island - worth it. I gave up early on in Dead Island because I didn't get to grips with the weapon making, and I didn't have the time to invest properly in it. But it's one of those games that I intend to revisit.
Dead Rising 2 - rubbish, IMO. Lots of people like it though.
Dead Space 2 - yeah probably worth it. You have to be patient but it's not as bad as Dead Space 1 for checkpoints etc, I think.
House of the Dead - worth it. Completely stupid, and a short and easy play through. But crazy whacky japanese violent fun, so worth it.
Dead Space 3 - I've played for about an hour, and it's not clicking for me.
RDR Undead - I nearly finished the game but my disk kept crashing, a known problem. It's good but it doesn't deserve all the praise RDR gets IMO. Still the double pack for $15 is definitely worth it.
Resident Yawn - pass
Bioshock Infinite - worth it. It's just another FPS at the end of the day, but it does have a story, and atmosphere, and good graphics, so it is good. Just not the best thing ever.
Darksiders II - ooh, might give that a go
Seems like you hate anything that leaves you frustrated.
lol 'list of stuff dave hates'
Dead Rising 2 with Chuck Green is probably the best installment of the Dead Rising franchise
beat it on pc, its wonderful
Catherine is a fine game too as long as you understand what you are buying
of course. Don't have time to muck around. It has to be fun or it's not worth it.
@tonyjzx: Well he was asking for opinions, so I thought it best I give mine as opposed to someone elses.
@davedrastic: he asked for what games to pickup though, not stuff like "Resident Yawn, I played it for 10 mins and hated it, rubbish but lots of people like it, or I don't have patience" denouncing games that have been highly praised.
@Venom_TAG: Lol.
OK, so denouncing games that have been highly praised isn't helpful?
We're on 2 different planets here. I'm on plaent reasonable, what's the weather like where you're at.
I bought Resident Yawn after reading all the hype about it etc and thought it would be a certainty that I'd enjoy it. WRONG. Ditto with the others that i've mentioned, which is why my opinion is what it is.
And the guy asked for opinion and assistance, and guess what I gave him.
If he just wanted to know what's the highest rated games he could have gone to metacritic.
The best games out of the sale, in my opinion, are Darkness II, the RDR/Undead duo, and Siren Blood Curse. 2 of those aren't highly rated.
^This guy knows his games.
Dead Space 3 is only worth it if you a) have a friend to play coop with or b) wanted something that made next to no sense in relation to any Dead Space before it. It has 4 story difficulties each more annoying than the one before.Red Dead Redemption. That game is good. First game that made me enjoy picking flowers ;) Are the servers still online and functioning correctly? They were fubar 8months ago with little signs of gaf from Rockstar.
I've played that many games now on PS3 that I'm quite exhausted. For a long time I felt the need to finish what I started, but no longer.
Dead Space 3 quickly turned out to be the same as previous Dead Space games, which I know has a lot of appeal for many, but to me it's largely an unenjoyable chore with too little pay off. I get that punishment leads to satisfaction, but only if you're prepared to push yourself through the process and too many of these games just drag on and then throw a huge hurdle at you, and i can't be bothered with that any more. And I have no investment in the story.
A game like Binary Domain, as I recall, is much more straight forward and simple. You have dumbish enemies that you can pick off fairly easily. It's not overly challenging although at points you will have to focus a little as you get tons of AI thrown at you.
And that's kind of what I want.
Just a simple, dumb game that I can play without having to concentrate every split second.
Games are (largely) to relax, and if it's too much like hard work it is not for me.
I've not played much of RDR main as yet. I liked Undead but not as much as other third person games - e.g. Mafia 2. I think perhaps the dialogue and story in Undead is a bit more thwarted than it is in RDR main, not sure.
@davedrastic: Try Army of TWO the 40th Day (or any of Army of TWO series) for reasonably mindless fun.
@CyberGenesys: Yeah, I have, and I agree. I've not tried the first one but the 2nd and 3rd are just dumb easy pop them offs. And I quite like that.
Body Count and Call of Juarez the modern one are good too, despite the crappy reviews. Kane and Lynch 2 too.
These games aren't as sophisticated as Uncharted or Call of Duty, but they have there place. They're take away food and for those that have limited time and want to enjoy their down time as opposed to get frustrated by it, they're good.
What a complete joke this is. Anything that is mildly challenging is written off as boring/bad. This guys ideal game probably plays itself so he has to exert no effort whatsoever. Seems like gaming isn't for you, Dave. Anyone who is serious about checking out these titles would do well to avoid the recommendations of this clown and check the metacritic score / watch some gameplay videos.
No, he knows what he enjoys and how much time he has available to enjoy it in. Games are meant to be enjoyable (which is a subjective measure) not a painful slog through rage inducing levels/enemies.
Slobman asked for recommendations and that's what he got.
Is Killer Is Dead worth $12?
Depends if you like prior Grasshopper Manufacture games.
Reviewed it last year.
It's batshit insane. Get it if you like Shadow of the Damned or Killer7.
I liked Shadow of the Damned a lot, even though the actual gameplay was quite flawed, but I'm going to give Killer is Dead a pass having seen some of the other reviews. I love the imagery and batshit craziness of SoD but I don't want to push myself through a game with bad mechanics. That's why I'm passing on the Alice game too.
It's cheaper on Steam if you're interested (currently $8 USD).
Yes! was hoping for a deal on toukiden… now, anyone know if it is worth $25? or if i should wait =\
You can get a physical copy for about that price
Really… Crap… Still I have 64gb so I do prefer electronic copies.
Is it worth it at $25?
Some examples off the top of my head. I think I got it for about $24 a few months ago seems to have gone up a few dollars.
Haven't played it yet so I can't really tell you. Some people. Seemed to really enjoy it and some thought it was ok but nothing against Minster Hunter. Worth a try for $25 I guess!
Well, after tomsco's reminder, i went and got $80 in the wallet so i bought toukiden and demon gaze =)
Since i have PS+ I got a another 10% off too.
kids who weren't around for the times of Playstation 1 do yourself a favour and check out Castlevania Symphony of the Night..up there as top 10 games of all time!
It's a good price for Demons Souls but I won't be buying any more games on my AU acct, it's finished in my mind. US only unfortunately. Bad pricing over the years has forced my hand.
sounds like there's some gitting gud required in this thread….
Wow that is cheap For Demon Souls…must have in any collection…to call yourself a real gamer!