Looking for a ADSL2+ Modem Router

We are with TPG (ADSL2+ with Home Phone plan) and We have been using "Netgear Wireless ADSL Modem Router DG834GSP" which was provided to us by Optus in mid 2008

Can someone please recommend any bargain for a new replacement modem?
- Wireless 4 (or atleast 2) Port ADSL2+ Modem Router

Side note:
http://www.tpg.com.au/maps/ gives.
Line of sight distance: 2231m. Possible cable distance: 2883m.


  • +1

    I don't have any bargain links to send you for them but I switched over to a Billion router a few years ago and they are rock solid.
    If you were to get any brand I would be looking at Billions only.
    The model I use is a 7800N http://www.billion.com/product/adsl/BiPAC-7800-11n-ADSL2-Bro…

  • What's wrong with the current one?
    ADSL Tech hasn't changed so the only noticeable improvements you'll see are faster WiFi (even the slowest WiFi is faster than your ADSL connection can possibly be) or faster Ethernet. Both are only useful if you share files locally over your WiFi/wired network.

    • Doesn't optus lock the modem so you cannot use it for another ISP?

      • +1

        Can be unlocked.
        There's a guide on Whirlpool and it reads to me as though OP has already been using it on TPG.
        If it's busted, then sure, replace it, but if not, it's wasted money unless you need local networking (most people don't, and if they do, they usually have the technical knowledge to research themselves).

  • Thing to note is …when I move my laptop to another room which is closer to the modem I get much better speed.

    • Perhaps you'd be better off investing in a Range extender?

      • ahh ok. lemme check what it is and any specific recommendations for that.

        • It extends your WiFi range.
          The problem you're describing may get slightly better with a higher speed WiFi, but not necessarily.

          A guaranteed solution would be to "bring the WiFi closer".

  • WiFi is a fickle radio, like anything wireless. Sometimes moving it too close doesn't increase speed. Obviously the further away the slower (or actually more noise/less power in signal going from -30dB to -90dB or so).

    If you're close enough to plug in an Ethernet cable just do that. Ethernet is much more reliable and is the fastest of them all.

    ac modems will claim high speeds but you rarely get them. Ethernet 5 or 6cat is best.

    Anyhow as for modem, personally I'd go for WRT compatible. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wrt+compatible

    Even if you're not tech savvy and will never flash a new firmware on a modem, it's a good indication anyways if it is compatible. A lot of people rave about their Billion but for the everyday user that doesn't require low latency etc then most modems in that your local JBHiFi, HN or Officeworks would stock would be fine.

    Whirlpool has a good database on modems too.

  • OP, if you're set on a new modem, TP-Link Archer D7 is an awesome piece of kit that will have a decent chance of improving your WiFi range and do everything else you need and more for a very reasonable price.
    Personally I'd be looking at a Powerline Ethernet based Range extender.

  • Personally I would avoid billion, Esp. on tpg, We had issues with 2, Tried @ 2 different houses on TPG, Constant drop outs….

    • I've owned nothing but Billion now for the last 10 years, but they do have a habit of dying after around 2 years (I think I've had 5 which fits that bill), I also find they start getting problematic as they get older in the form of dropouts and line errors - if they haven't died after 2 yrs they might be next to unusable. Maybe I just have bad luck with modems but I'm going to splash out for another brand next time.

      My 7800NXL is going okay for now, error counts have started increasing in the last month :/

      One of Billion's advantages is frequent firmware updates (like monthly, sometimes more), huge loyal support base on Whirlpool, though some will get offended if you speak ill of the brand :) I have no regrets, just time for a change more than anything.

      • 7800NL died on me
        7800NXL is rock solid, bought the $10 extended warranty option as well.

        • Extended warranty option, great idea! I didn't realise it was an option or I would have too :)

          My 7800NXL's problems are at bay provided I increase the SNR value which obviously reduces my line speed. Usually 6-7 is fine, I have to run mine at 10 for stability now. That means 4000k instead of 6000k for me. It's not the end of the world but I do miss my extra speed on the heavy days.

  • bumping this thread to see if i can get any help.

    i'm also with tpg and using the supplied netcomm router. experiencing constant drop outs which is very annoying, especially when i'm pwning n00bs on my ps4.

    Would tpg upgrade my router if i ask them nicely… I've already reported my issue with them and they said the connection should be fine.

    if not, i need recommendations of a reliable wireless router please.

    • Have you performed an isolation test?

      If you have a noisy line, the isolation test can solve some of your disconnection issues. It may not be the router that's at fault. Perform the test first and then consider buying a new router.

      Your choice of router / modem will depend on your attenuation rates and distance to the exchange. In theory, Broadcom based modems is more suitable for ADSL users with longer cable distances from the exchange.

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