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Xbox 360 Elite Console for $429 at Harvey Norman


Hey guys, this is my first bargain submission. I was browsing Harvey Norman's website and found this: not on sale yet but you can order and pick up on release, Xbox Elite with halo 3 and halo 3:ODST for only $429. I'm assuming this will be on sale on the 22/09/09 which is when they're going to release Halo 3:ODST and drop the RRP of Elite consoles. RRP for Xbox elite is going to be $450 so its a bargain ;D

EDIT: just realised, its on sale NOW!! you only need to pick up Halo 3:ODST when it gets released which is on 22/09/09 so you have enough time to get through halo 3 and understand the story :)

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Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • So how much is the resale value of the two bundled games?

    • its $419.95 at Games101 - but $5.50 postage applies.

  • Halo 3 is pretty old, so maybe like $30 on Ebay. I would recommend to keep it and play it. ODST when new will be like $60 - $70 on Ebay if you sell it straight away. So you should be able to get $100 for the games, so about $330 for console.

  • -1

    not going to neg but the PS3 bundles are better. And you get a bluray player to boot.

    The DSE one with batman arkham is GREAT value.

    • Agree but there are those people who like this system cause of the games they have which I'm yet to find. I think an XBOX is just better then a ps2 and typical Microsoft charging u to do everything like play there network network. But yeah their choice I'm into sport and car racing games only thats prob why the xbox doesn't appeal to me 1 bit

    • depends if you need a bluray player dude.

      both consoles have positives and negatives. Atm games and hardware for ps3 are over priced.

  • PS3 and 360 are not the same things, in my opinion 360 is a much greater gaming system (I have both) so you can't compare the deals as it's down to which you want or prefer

  • It's not the system, it's the games you want to play.

    • Whilst that is true to a certain extent, certain elements of the system can determine which way you go. Outright highway robbery purchase price of the PS3 to date would have steered a lot of folks away & toward XBox360, hence Sony's decision to "revamp" it, almost halving the price! ;)

      Microsoft discovered with the first XBox that versatility and hackability were huge selling points, they made superlative media boxes, and the 360 remains a great MC/streamer!

      And what can you say about the Wii, hordes of screaming, jumping, wildly swinging "kids" of all ages just love the interactivity! :)

  • lol at the PS3 fanboy who keeps - voting any posts where people prefer their xbox, my PS3 is 7 minutes away from being sold on ebay, that's how much I like playing it http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180403…

    like the guy above said though it's down to the game choice, i like Gears of War, Halo, Forza etc, I'm not against Sony, I've pre-ordered a PSP Go from Amazon and am ready to buy GT PSP on Oct 1st, I just like Xbox 360 better in the next gen stakes

    • I see you've charged $15 for shipping. Is that an accurate figure for shipping one Australia wide? I'm thinking of selling mine too and was wondering what the figure might be.

      • $15 for registered is way too cheap, you'll easily cop a loss on it. eBay has a postage calculator which is fairly accurate and so does Aus Post (I think its the same one). If you're posting to WA/SA/TAS you could easily be up for $25 not to mention the registered post only comes with $100 insurance.. you have to (or your buyer has to) top it up with more.

  • nah mate, should have asked $25 for WA but never mind, I made good $ of the console

  • Hey guys, glad to see people actually responding ;D The actual RRP of both games is $99.95 for some strange reason.. The Xbox controller feels better for me, from what i've heard, PS3 is more of a blu-ray player than a gaming system.. so yeah. Soon(i'd say one or two years) Microsoft is going to release project natal which is like going to own PS3 so get the console now before prices jack up.

    • lol "project natal"

      I'm willing to bet it won't be able to work with similar accuracy as an xbox360 controller, and microsoft will be forced to create crappy 2D 'arcade games', just like the eye toy.

      I'm not going to hold my breath

  • nah mate, project natal looks great and it is going to be released in 2010, it's far better than eye toy, read up on some of the online hands on previews from some of the big gaming sites

  • I just bought another Xbox Arcade console, $250 at KMart. not a bad price. Pity I have three copies of each of the games that comes with it (sega tennis/arcade vol.1)

    now i have three xboxes in the house, multiplayer action is about to commence!

    • can you add a HDD yourself to the Arcade console?

      • Yes, it clips on to the top easily.

      • as far as i'm aware, you have to pay for an official "microsoft" hdd to actually store files on it. These things are really expensive, exceptthey're reasnobly cheap on ebay. other than that, there are alternatives of hacking, but just google it. it involved buying a 5GB MS one, then swapping it for a 120GB hdd, and doing all this nerd stuff.

        • sorry, just to correct myself, you need the official xbox hard drive to store game files. You can use a generic hard drive if you want to store movies/music etc. (thats what i've understood from websites)

      • I bought a few drives a couple of months back MS were selling 20gb drive and 3 months XBL subscription for 34 dollars delivered.

  • -1

    I have a website if anyone wants to llearn the nerd stuff that Davo refers to http://muppet-modding.com

    I have a new 60GB HDD for sale as well, $75 inc P&P through ebay if anyone wants one

  • I'm still waiting for Wii prices to come down, Nintendo are cheap asses.

    • I just softmodded my GF's Wii, I think it's really poor form by Nintendo (you got it right, they're stingy) to release a console with a DVD drive in it that can't be used as a media player! :(

      A few minutes work with an SD card and that little problem's sorted! ;)

  • Guys, youtube project natal. Its for everyone..waits anxiously

    PS. i am not an Xbox Fanboy. I like PS3 just i like Xbox more ;)

  • Sweet, i just picked one up at HN Adelaide and i think the dude gave me the wrong pack. He gave me the 360 Elite pack with Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones.
    Pretty sure he was supposed to give me just the stock standard Elite pack. They were sold out of Halo 3 so i pick up Halo 3 and Halo ODST on the 22nd.
    What a deal!

  • Went down to the HN in Armadale Perth WA and they had one Elite console left. I am after a jasper Elite so I checked the voltage of the console through the box and it was a 16.5v one! That is a launch console! So I didn't get it because it's guaranteed to get RROD.

    I think I will wait a few more days and get the BigW Deal $398.00 with Halo 3 ODST and Call of Duty World at World.

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