Hi all, My Elderly mother went down to get me a present, I'm too old for such a thing but nevertheless appreciative, she went to CEX in penrith and they told her an xbox one kinect is a good choice, While paying for it she decided to ring me to double check whether i didn't have it and i said i did and made a few other suggestions, by this time this absolute B**tch of a lady printed the reciept and told her she had no other choice then to spend the money here thanks to their return policy.
Unfortunetely my old lady used money so she can't do a charge back, and on ringing them personally she was absolutely rude and abnoxious, I would have hoped for a bit of leniancy, in fact jb hi fi once gave me a refund in cash for an ebook i broke, I would suggest not buying from CEX if you want to be treated decently (and there prices are terrible anyway).
I had a whinge on facebook because theres clearly nothing else i can do.