Hey guys, I was thinking of investing some of my money right now, but not sure where to start, so i was wondering if i could get some advice/tips on
the best way to invest. (Eg; buying shares/stock, ASX etc. )
What's the best way to learn, and what are your experiences on this?
ps; This isn't intended to earn me massive returns/income, just some extra flow of money that I don't wanna just leave in my bank…
pps; I'd be earning about 3k a month give or take… so my budget to invest would be about 1k ish… but i'm not sure yet.
any help is appreciated !
In my experience, the best way to learn more is to read the business news and books and speak to friends that already invest in the share market. Shares can be risky, so only invest money that you can afford to lose. Shares can also be extremely volatile in the short term (<1 year).
Ultimately you need to do your own research and use judgement when selecting stocks, don't just rely on the selection of others, unless they have a proven track history with above average returns. One strategy that has worked for me has been looking for businesses that have a competitive advantage of some sort (or as some people call it - a 'business moat' which prevents competitors from taking away profits) and buying them when their shares has gone down temporarily . eg you could say that Woolworths has an edge due to their dominant size and purchasing power, thereby allowing them to generate consistent extra profits, and prevents new entrants into the industry.
I wrote a bit on this topic in my blog, if you wanted to check it out: http://smarterwithmoney.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/introduction…