Hi, need a suggestion for a basketball system for home. Kids want to play in backyard and practice for games.
Any suggestions appreciated, Kmart has one for $89 but looks like it would not return balls well and will rust out early.
Budget around $300. Thanks.
Basketball System Help

lukeloop on 16/10/2014 - 21:39
Hi, have you noticed any difference with ball sizes or brands? Just wondered whats a good but cheap basket ball for a Christmas gift. Cheers
The cheaper ones are heavier I have noticed or much lighter, i.e check how much they weigh.
Ended up going to BigBuys as they are closing down and scored a 52 inch Spalding for $370 the website says delivery only which is $130 but they have them in stock, so picket it up with my friends ute ( 68kg box ) and also got over $100 off. Everywhere elso wanted around $600. I nearly opted for the 54 inch but that was an extra $100 but still a good buy as they are usually retailing for over $900.