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Frozen Egg Whites Found at Coles Broadmeadows VIC - $7.49 Each


Only body builders and fitness junkies will understand my excitement at locating frozen egg whites!
There has been an egg shortage the past few months and no one could get hold of frozen egg whites. I don't know if they are back for good or if the local store found a box at the back of the freezer.

There was a whole box of these this morning at coles broadmeadows :)

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closed Comments

  • +26

    coles broadmeadows

    I would only go there if I was a bodybuilder too

  • +2

    "Frozen Egg Whites Found" - frightening title!

  • +8

    I saw "frozen egg", and I thought "What??? An IVF clinic having a spring sale???"

  • +2

    Wish they sold the yolks only too

    • Even when they are so very easy to separate..?
      People performing the hack, all over YouTube, ever since.

      • I tried once, failed, and went back to the conventional way.

      • Some fails on YT. Try with a different bottle. If, at first…

  • Is it the same as liquid egg whites or powdered egg whites, because I'm sure I've seen those at woolworths, or are frozen whites special?

    • +1

      a perfect icy summer treat!

    • It's actual egg whites… Not from powder.

  • past few months and no one could get hold of frozen egg whites.

    That because the national Pavlova baking titles were being held in Broady in August.

  • Are these available in Sydney? I used to purchase Golden Eggs Egg Whites and Simply Egg Whites, but haven't seen either product for many months now.

  • +2

    What about pavlova junkies? Surely they're excited too.

    • +1

      naw, far easier to sniff meringue powder these days

  • +14

    Frozen egg whites…is there nothing Disney won't merchandise?

  • These have been back for at least a month now at coles, for those that were looking.

    The problem is that they only brought the extra added protein ones back and not the regular ones (the ones with light blue colour). The regular ones $6 to $7 for 950ml and the added protein ones for $10

    For less than $10 you can buy two 500ml egg white milk cartons without the need to worry about defrosting or the large amount of egg whites going off if you don't have a big appetite.

    Is this a special or regular price?

  • +1

    .. i cant believe there is so much discussion about egg whites
    (I can't believe i spent the time reading them all :S)

    • +2

      you sound eggstatic

      • +2

        No, SmiTTy's cracked it, finding that the yolk is on him.

      • +2

        I believe the eggxcitement may have been eggxaggerated.

    • cook the egg whites for the protein, most of the good stuff is in the yolk?

      • -1

        you forgot the eggshell :)

  • lol you can always buy frozen egg whites just about anywhere, but I had to smile at your enthusiasm.

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