This was posted 10 years 4 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo (signup required)


Want to play the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version? Look for a special code in the October edition of the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter. Then, use the special code in Nintendo eShop to download the Special Demo Version directly to your Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 2DS system!

The Special Demo Version features a unique adventure where you can encounter cool Pokémon, including ones that Mega Evolve! Plus, you’ll be able to bring reward items you obtained in the demo into Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

Sign up for your Pokémon Trainer Club account and be sure that you have opted in to receive marketing email messages by October 20 to make sure you get the next newsletter. Ensure your email address is correct and up to date. Also, add [email protected] to your address book so that your newsletter doesn’t get caught in your spam filter. Then, look forward to receiving the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter in your email throughout the year to stay in-the-know about everything going on in the Pokémon universe!

Long story short; sign up for the Email list before the 21st of October, use the code they email you in the store, and download. The download is 250mb,

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closed Comments

  • Does this work for AU region?

    • Yes absolutely, I just got the Email in my Inbox and I am most definitely Aussie - from Melbourne :)

      • +1

        Awezome. I had an account but never opt in before, just opt in and hope to get a code now :)

  • +1

    Is this for AUS as well? I'm unable to check at work.
    Code were sent out today to 'selected'(all?) Club Nintendo Aus members today. Just got mine before.

    • Oh it is? I got the super smash bros demo invite last time but didn't get anything yet today.

      • Yep, I, my brother and several on Whirlpool forums have got a code. Not sure how it's decided who does and doesn't get one. I got the smash ones too.

        • Did you just receive one code or did you receive several like the SSB demo?

        • @Eon-Rider: It's only the one code in the email this time. But that was known for a little while anyway

        • @happychild100: Damn. I was hoping to get one. Thanks for the response.

  • I wonder if there's ever going to be a remake of a remake such as Pokemon Hot Fire Red or Pokemon Grass Leaf Green?

    • Hopefully not I guess? I would like those to stay the same to be the classic of the series that made what we have today. Besides it is still major fun playing them :)

    • Hard to say but from what I can gather, one of the reasons they decided to make ORAS is because many of the pokemon from that region are difficult to get in BW/XY and people are resorting to hacking/buying Pokemon. When it comes to Gen1, most of the competitive (or otherwise) Pokemon from this region are widely available in the latest games.

      Personally, I'd lose my shit if they made a Red/Blue prequel where you play as Oak or something.

  • This is a sign up for a US code and you will need a US or Canadian 3ds to use it.(this code wont work on aussie 3ds)
    The Australian codes have been sent out randomly in emails to club nintendo members, it is luck of the draw though.(no signup)
    I got a code so i can confirm the random codes have been sent so check your emails.

  • If anyone has a US code they are unable to use, hook me up. I was silly enough to purchase a 3ds in Washington without reading into region locks. Such a backwards concept.

  • If you are a club nintendo member check your email you used to sign up with. But make sure you check the junk mail section as i found mine in there.

  • So the demo version is free?

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