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5kW Solar Power in Brisbane for Only $5,500 for Premium, $4,999 for Economy @ Apollo Solar


Protect yourself form rising electricity prices with Quality Assured solar power in your home in Brisbane for only $5,500* (premium package) - full installation included. Regular price approx $7,000 - offer for first 10 Oz Bargain users approved.

In response to some feedback, we have decided to clarify that this offer is for the Z20 premium inverter range package.

For those looking for a lower price, we are also offering ZA economy inverter range for $4,999. Please click ‘Go to Deal’ for differentiating specs of each package.

Benefits of premium package:

  • 10 Year Workmanship Warranty
  • 10 Year Warranty on Inverter
  • 10 Year Product Warranty and 25 Year Performance Warranty
  • Only $5,500 - fully installed 5kW PV solar power for premium package
  • Only $4,999 - fully installed 5kW PV solar power for economy package
  • Click 'Go To Deal' for more information

*Terms and Conditions:

  • Price does not include switchboard upgrade or alternations
  • Price is for Tin and Tile installs only
  • Price is for 1 or 2 storey building

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Be aware you get NO government incentive tariff in QLD from 1 July. Only 8-10c/kwh from energy companies, and you pay 30c/kwh for most electricity. The government is still trying to work out how to pay for everyone who gets 44c on the old scheme.

    You do save on electricity you use during the day, but for most of us that's probably not a lot. I got a massive $30 off my last quarterly bill, although my system is only 1.5kWh.

    Take a long time to make this pay off nowadays.

    • Agreed, not really useful for people who export the generated power to the grid.

      However, can be economical for home-based businesses. For example, if your home+business uses an average of 2kW during daytime hours, then that could be entirely supplied from the solar-generated power.

      Rough estimation: assuming solar output is above 2kW for 6 hours per day, and one-third of days are cloudy. Just considering the non-cloudy days, every year you'll be using (44 weeks x 5 days/week x 12kWh x 2/3 non-cloudy days) = 1760kWh of your solar-generated power, instead of buying it at ~26 cents per kWh. So the "money not spent" is 1760 x 0.26 = $457.60. Assuming you have a home loan at about 6%, yearly interest for the solar system will be $330. So each year, a net profit of 457 - 330 = 127 dollars minimum.

      Now add in the power generated during holidays, at the pitiful rate of 8c/kWh (I assumed 6 weeks holidays and 2 weeks public holidays above):
      8 weeks of full power: (8 weeks x 7 days/week x 12kWh x 2/3 non-cloudy days)
      = 448kWh = $35.84
      Now add in weekends: (44 weeks x 2 days/week x 12kWh x 2/3 non-cloudy days)
      - 704kWh = $56.32
      Now add in cloudy days (pessimistic assumption of 1kW on an average cloudy day):
      365 days x 1/3 cloudy days x 1kWh x 6 hours/day = 730kWh =$58.40

      So total annual "profit" will be 127 + 35 + 56 +58 = $276. Over 20 years, this will pay off the entire capital cost.

      Note that even with all the pessimistic assumptrions above (like I am only considering the first 2kW it generates - and this is a 5kW system!), it will "pay its way" (covers interest payments), and "pay itself off" (pays back capital).

  • What is the brand of the panels and inverter?

    • Hi Coley, thanks for your question. We use Zeus Appollo for our panels and inverters. Please click on Go to Deal for specification documents.

  • Please detail components used for comparison.

    Micro inverters available?

    • Hi Steptoe, thanks for your comment. We do provide Micro Inverters at different costings. For detailed brochures that include specs of our products in this offer, please click on Go To Deal above and scroll down to "Zeus Apollo solar power brochures". Feel free to also call or contact us directly for a friendly chat with one of our consultants if you'd like to know more about Micro Inverters.

  • I am after solar power as well but this $5500 is not a bargain….
    True solar power does same with my previous good experience. However,Euro solar and skysolar does $4500 prices with 25, 30 years performance warranty.
    I am sure not every panel and inverter is same but they also come with 10 years warranty for above warranties.
    Last check, how long they have been on the market; skysolar 4 years and Euro 10-15 years.
    If you are giving anymore warranty or better price then you are talking about "bargain".

    • $4500 for a 5kW system? Really?

      • why? is that good or bad?

      • I got mine last month and paid $4500 plus an extra $300 because my meter was 3-phase.
        edit: in Perth but that shouldn't make any difference.

        • +1

          'In Perth but that shouldn't make any difference'

          are you kidding or….

        • @rambutann: not sure what you mean. The panels and inverter all come from china and are distributed nationally. For a standard house it takes the same amount of labour wherever you are. If anything Perth might even have a slightly higher labour cost due to higher average wages for sparkies etc.

      • Skysolar, Brisbane…

    • Hi Sabric,

      Thanks for your message. The difference in price comes down to the specifications of our panels, such as cell efficiency. We always encourage our customers to do due diligence so they get best quality solar installed in their homes at fair value. We have proudly been servicing Queenslanders for over 4 years and also offer 25 year performance warranty.

  • I don't think this is a bargain,I have a 6kw system for $4400 (don't know about the panels but inverter is made from Italy ), a month ago.

    • made from Italy

      Mafia called - they want it back!

  • From the link it appears to be Zeus Appolo 5 kW intverter and 17x300W Zeus panels. I am currently using them at the moment which I got installed for $5590 but it was for 6 KW panels in WA. So I guess this is not really a bargain price.

    • This system appears to have a premium inverter. The specs seem to be similar to the SMA inverters. Materials such as isolators and circuit breakers, cabling etc can also effect the price and are just as important in relation to system production. These components can effect the pricing significantly also.

  • Gear is Zeus Apollo (from website). Not much by way of performance data for this brand beyond manufacturer/distributor, nothing but a few baseless opinions on Whirlpool. Sounds like a bit of a punt. For very little more, perhaps no more if you're an astute negotiator, you could get the high end German SMA inverter (BoB) and Seraphim panels (BoB)….:-) !!

  • Apollo Creed.

    Be aware the best return On investment in qld over 10 years is a smaller 1.5 system. You really want to use what you produce. If you have a pool it helps alot as you can move your filtration to 10am-2pm. Delay start the dishwasher and washine machine. If your wife is at home with the kids that helps too. Also having solar let's you run the Ac on hot days without the guilt.

    But I did some calcs when was looking at without the fit its 5.5 year payback on a cheap 1.5. And 12 years on a 5kw. Different if you plan on maybe adding batteries in future or come up with an elaborate timer switch system for your hot water.

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