For a limited time, take 75% off the first invoice of any new Economy, Multi or Business web hosting service with VentraIP Australia. As an added bonus, we're also giving away a new Sony Xperia Z3 to one lucky customer who uses this coupon!
The coupon is also valid up to 3 years so take advantage of the savings for pre-payment.
Economy Hosting -
Business Hosting -
Multi Hosting -
VentraIP Australia is an auDA ISS accredited registrar and we own the network and hardware that your web site is hosted from. We only use enterprise-grade SSD drives in our fleet of brand new Dell cloud servers and you can choose a hosting location in either Sydney or Melbourne.
If you have any questions please let us know. :)
I have not had good experiences with Ventraip hosting. All sorts of special rules about what you can and cannot have on your server (for example wordpress backups). They also have an arrogant approach to customers, that I struck several times over a couple of years. I base my comments on experience having had more than 20 shared hosting accounts with various providers over the past few years, and running more than 20 VPS's.