This was posted 10 years 4 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

75% off New cPanel Web Hosting Services at VentraIP Australia


For a limited time, take 75% off the first invoice of any new Economy, Multi or Business web hosting service with VentraIP Australia. As an added bonus, we're also giving away a new Sony Xperia Z3 to one lucky customer who uses this coupon!

The coupon is also valid up to 3 years so take advantage of the savings for pre-payment.

Economy Hosting -
Business Hosting -
Multi Hosting -

VentraIP Australia is an auDA ISS accredited registrar and we own the network and hardware that your web site is hosted from. We only use enterprise-grade SSD drives in our fleet of brand new Dell cloud servers and you can choose a hosting location in either Sydney or Melbourne.

If you have any questions please let us know. :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (254)

$50 cash in VIP Wallet for the referrer after referee signs up to a new hosting service and either a new domain name or transfer an existing domain name, and remains an active customer for at least 60 days

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closed Comments

  • +6

    I have not had good experiences with Ventraip hosting. All sorts of special rules about what you can and cannot have on your server (for example wordpress backups). They also have an arrogant approach to customers, that I struck several times over a couple of years. I base my comments on experience having had more than 20 shared hosting accounts with various providers over the past few years, and running more than 20 VPS's.

    • +1

      I've always been a big fan of Ventra - and recommend them to my clients. Having a fair few issues of random invoices and "special rules" as you put it with what can/ and can't be stored on the servers as well - they don't really tell you upfront that the storage space isn't actually what it says it is (due to the rules). Definitely not sure whether to recommend them any more.

      • Just as an update to this - I have another client who's had their emailing and Cpanel suspended, even after they paid for extra spacing after consulting with Ventra…

    • +1

      I've had the exact opposite experience with my hosting of VentraIP. Only been with them for 4 and a bit months but always found the support to be OK. I moved from a US host to these guys and the speed difference was amazing!

      • +1

        probably not surprising as you went from a US host to Sydney/Asia

      • +1

        It should be fine if you make the comparison with some poorly performed host company like IXWebhosting.

      • +1

        Pick a host that is in Los Angeles or Seattle, their ping times are not too bad. Their are good and bad hosts everywhere but a good USA host will be way better (and cheaper) than VentraIP.

    • I agree was with VentraIP several years as long as you don't need support they can be OK. Had an issue some years back and they proved to be no help at all slow response and no support number. Changed my hosting accounts to NetVirtue and have been very happy any issues I get resolved quickly great customer service and they have a support phone number if an emergency.

      • Hi MMM. We've always had a support number that is available to customers on Business services or those who have the Economy paid add-on. Also, over the years our customer service quality has gone up (according to surveys from customers) and the response times have gone down. Your new host had an outage the other day that lasted two days, we've never had a server down for that long even for a recovery, so it just goes to show that all hosts have their issues at one stage or another.

    • Ditto.

      I signed up for the Business Plus account as the Business account was 25Gb and I needed a bit more. However the Business Plus only had 25Gb as well even though it said unlimited. When I asked, they wanted to know what I needed it for and they basically told me I should be putting all my content on Amazon instead. What..??

      They said that their hosting should be for basic files ONLY such as html files, or a CMS (like Wordpress).

      Then their servers kept going down due to a 'move', or their 'provider', or…..

      When I looked into them a bit further I found that they are basically just a bunch of uni students who have started their own business which really shows on certain things…

      • really? darn it.. will have to look elsewhere then.

      • Hi Maxx Power. You were told to move your file storage to Amazon because it's a web hosting service that is designed for hosting web site content, not for file storage hosting. Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc, are all designed for file storage and have built the underlying systems for that very purpose.

        We scheduled maintenance like most online service providers in the world because sometimes things have to be fixed that impact the service. If you were looking for a full HA solution then you were looking in the wrong price range for a start. You cannot expect to have site-to-site HA failover for $40 a month or less. It costs hundreds, because the infrastructure required to build it costs a lot of money.

        And finally, there are no uni students who started this business at all. The owners are 32 and 23, senior managers and department heads are 33, 32, 25 and 23. None of them are in uni. VentraIP Australia is an auDA ISS Accredited Registrar - that means that the business has been audited by an external company (Vectra Corporation) to ensure that we have a heap of policies, procedures and plans in place, as well as verifying our staff and our providers are fully compliant. ISS is a mixture of ISO and PCI compliance testing and it doesn't come easy. We are one of the only registrars to have passed which is testament to the fact that we run a very good business. We own all of our servers, we own all of our network infrastructure, and through the group we are the registrar of every domain name we sell. A pretty good effort for a 'bunch of uni students'.

        But even if that was the case, which it's not, Mark Zuckerburg was once just a uni student when he started his business, as well Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and many others.

    • Hi gregoz. Most shared web hosting providers have policies on what you can and cannot store. Storing backups within the same hosting account is not only a bad idea but takes up space on drives that it should not be taking up, since the point of the back up is to have in case something goes wrong on the primary site. We certainly don't go out of our way to annoy our customers, but we also have to draw some lines in the sand to make sure that customers receive the best service and sometimes that makes us appear to be "rude". Enforcing our policies is not us being rude, but making sure that things run smoothly based on our experience. If you would like to discuss this further, please send an email to [email protected] and our CEO will be happy to give you a call.

  • +1

    I've had nothing but positive experiences with VentraIP! Had issues and errors fixed within a decent time frame and always had friendly support. I use their services for hosting my degree's society website and a little side business and no issues in the few years with them :D

    Signed up with them about a month ago and used the 50% off coupon and still thought I got an all-right deal. My two cents anyway!

    • Thank you. :)

  • We currently have an account about to expire in 3 months.
    a. Anyone know how much discount they giving to renew existing?

    b. Planing to open a new account on this year and prepay for 3 years. Then move from old to new account. Anyone done so in past? Its a bit of hassle but seems worthwhile given how much discount they are giving.

    • I used to do this every year (3 years I think) - if you can handle things going down and up then you're fine - just note I had my emails hosted elsewhere.

      • Didn't think about email.
        Do you know high level steps? I can then make dummies step by step guide. That will be helpful for you next time.

        Presumably shouldn't be that hard. its just like moving hostings. Its good to do that anyways so that you know you can move and deploy your site anywhere. Good test.

    • +1

      If you do a cpanel backup you can move it anywhere. You can find many good and cheap (mostly USA) hosters that will take a cpanel backup and install it , it is all pretty seamless.

  • What? You said last time that this offer wouldn't come along again with the changes that were happening in the company?

    • The deals we are now offering are few and far between. We will still have some offers available, but they won't be anywhere near as frequent as they once were.

  • rep, i'm contemplating getting the 3yr business+ plan. if you can throw in a ventrasaurus it might tip me over..

    • Hmmm… tough deal! We can probably do that for you, we only have a couple left though. If you place an order, send an email to [email protected] and reference this post and I'm sure they can do something for you. ;)

  • Would anyone recommend the basic economy service? What limitations are there and what type of site would be suitable for this service?

    • Hi max23. The economy service is designed for small web sites, basic CMS and small e-commerce stores. You have a 45 day money back guarantee which allows you to try and service and obtain a full refund if you're not happy.

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