How/where to dispose these cut branches?

We have cut down some trees in backyard.

Please check this :

Next council pickup of garden (green) bins is on next to next Monday (27Oct).
But this is too much of cuttings/branches to put on street for 27Oct.
So wondering how/where to dispose these cut branches?

Its too much of cuttings / branches really. If I squash them in and make them fit for next rounds of green bin collection, it will probably take heaps of time to destroy them atleast 3months ( appro more than 6-7 cycles of green bin collections) :(

Are we allowed to put all these branches/ cuttings on nature street for council to pick on green bin day? if so, how should be pack these?


  • +3

    You'd be surprised how much you can get in those green bins. Cut the side branches off the thick main branches, then put all the main branches in standing upright, then cram as much as you can of the small branches in around the thick branches. What's left over will be a lot less bulky when the leaves wither and you can throw most of it back on the garden bed as mulch.

  • Agree with the above comment and if you need more room, how about borrowing your neighbours' bins (provided they don't need to use it before collection day)

  • Check your council rates invoice for tip passes. Green waste are normally free to dispose at the landfill sites. The downside is you have to carry them there yourself. So hire a cage trailer or a ute and throw those branches in there is what I would do.

  • I have disposed of a whole 5m palm tree using green council bins. Goodness knows how many smaller trees as well. Its quite simple.

    1) Cut everything down and cram as much as you can in your bin.
    2) After neighbours put their bin out, start filling their bins. (they usually don't add to their bins)
    3) Keep filling until you are done.

    I packed my ute with green waste and drove to a large block of units. I was done in 15 minutes

    I cut a palm tree down and chainsawed the trunk to managable sizes. I then put 1 piece of trunk into a green bin until finished. Took about 1 hr in total and saved a couple hundred dollars. Too easy….

  • Maybe hire a diy mulcher from a machinery hire shop or get someone to come out and mulch for you. Will save you buying mulch for garden as well.

    • +2

      Ok…but this thread is about the disposing of branches.

    • Agreed nature strips are for household rubbish not green waste

      Back on thread - get a mulcher

  • What state do you live in?

  • +1

    if you live in Sydney, go and throw them out in the road. after last nights storm no one would notice.

    • lol

      Prune the leaves off and put them in your green bin then cut the branches into smaller manageable pieces.

      I have fit way more then that into a green bin. When you leave the leaves in there for a few days they dry out and shrink, then fill it up again. I have put about twice as much as you have into a single green bin, then just use next doors for any extra or walk up the street on bin night.

  • To pack as much as possible into the green bin do the following:

    1. Cut all small branches off the main branches
    2. Cut any long branches up into small manageable lengths
    3. Stuff as much as you can into the bin
    4. When the bin is full, carefully climb onto the top of the pile of branches in the bin and then carefully use your body weight (ie. stomp, and jump up and down) to push down the branches. You will be surprised at how much you can push it down.
    5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you can't stuff any more into the bin.
    • As per Rodo but bashing down on cuttings with a spade is much better and safer than climbing in the bin. I cut all the branches my secateurs can handle into bin width pieces whilst i am pruning saves double handling and have had my bin that heavy that the truck driver complained..You can also cut all the 1cm and under pieces into 15cm lengths and use as mulch for the summer than place in bin (1bin =2shovels after 1 summer)

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