USD$23.88 + shipping, as per other Amazon deals you can get a better per unit price by pooling shipping
Cheapest price ever according to 3 Camels…
Hope it helps someone.
USD$23.88 + shipping, as per other Amazon deals you can get a better per unit price by pooling shipping
Cheapest price ever according to 3 Camels…
Hope it helps someone.
postage is around $5 usd
Amazon link (to see super reviews)…
2nd link on google not so flattering (at least for certain compact flash cards)
(first link is komputerbay website itself).
I think the key word here was "MICRO"
Holy crap seriously?! You sure that's not an SD Card rather than MicroSD?
MicroSD 128gb is pretty new stuff and I thought was still in the $150+ range due to rarity?
EDIT: nope, you're wrong - but they are down to "only" $110 for a genuine sandisk.
Can this work with a GoPro hero 3+?
Whats a good speed for a tablet running win8(Encore)? Am I right thinking faster the better?
Cheers thats a better price
have you run a speed test on your card to verify
edit: its about 25MB/s write, and 90MB/s read (both vary and depend on the type of files).
If you want reviews check Amazon here…(
I can get the Lexar 600x 90MB/s 64GB for $39 shipped locally & faster. ;)
Have you checked performance speed and capacity to see if it is genuine from that ebay seller? If genuine would be interested too. Oops, I should have read whole post first.
Not sure about the seller had him in my watchlist…, was gonna get a 2nd saw this post on OZB…
Nothing in that link states they are sent locally. Almost every sd/microsd cards I bought on ebay are sent from HK (except for the local stores like SE, etc. of course)
Nitpicking I see…, well that's 17 items vs 858 sent locally… in 1 month ;)
Hardly nitpicking: you made an assertion about local delivery, I pointed out that quite a number of customers feedback indicated otherwise, and now you're trying to suggest that 800 odd feedbacks which don't mention local delivery are evidence otherwise. The plural of anecdote isn't evidence.
I'm happy it worked out well for you, but given huge issues with counterfeit flash on eBay(, I personally wouldn't risk it on seller with a pretty ordinary feedback score who seems to be misleading customers on the origin of goods.
Not going to encourage a halfwit discussion, find someone else. You either research and buy it or you provide an alternative.
Thanks, I'm going to get this. I prefer the extra speed boost!
Thanks bought this.
Awesome - just ordered the PNY :)
Shopping Express has the Samsung evo 64gb for $40 shipped with double the write speed, why is this PNY better ? Taking 4 weeks from the US and slower ? People are binge voting again….
cant see them for $40
Thanks Elijah. I have ordered mine from shopping express
How can you be sure these Samsung are genuine? I have been burnt a few times with very slow Class 10 cards from Ebay and it is so easy to sell Class 4 rebadged as Class 10 (They just reprint the specs on the outside!)
Well technically it is still 17.5% cheaper although I concur that Shopping Express would be a better option.
yeah for faster card and shipping $40.9 is more worth
is that normal ozbargain price? or is it more rare (like does $40.90 come up once every 3 months?)
But wait, this or the Lexar 600x?
Looking at speeds, Lexar 600x is faster:
19.1MB/s vs 25.2MB/s write speeds, with Lexar having double the read speeds.
And to add to that…
PNY counterfeit (bait & switch) their own gear:…
Does anyone have suggestions for a reasonably priced USB 3.0 or Firewire 800 SD/microSD card reader? I've got a fairly average USB 2.0 reader and am on the lookout for something a bit faster.
If you are talking speeds of these SD cards, then USB 2.0 already can run at those speeds, you wouldn't need USB 3.0. You are going to need some faster SD cards to appreciate USB 3.0 advantage.
Sorry - should have been clearer. I have faster cards already (not the ones above) and am looking for a faster reader.
If you need faster try komputerbay it's $61 usd posted for 128gb 90MB/s and probably half that price for 64GB
Very highly rated at Amazon but order direct from KB