Recently signed my life away with a mortgage, just started with the repayment and to give myself some breathing room and gauging how far the money stretches the loan is currently set up for interest only payment.
For ease of calculation say the interest only = $2,000/month and interest + principle = $3,000. Is there any difference between:
a) Staying on interest only set-up and allow $2,000 to be auto withdrew monthly and pay $1,000 manually.
b) Switch to interest + principle and allow $3,000 to be auto withdrew monthly.
Thus far I've been doing (a), various factors in the upcoming 12-24 months may mean I can pay interest only for a bit if I run into some setbacks. Assuming I wish to pay $3,000/month is there any difference with doing (a) or (b)?
do you have an off-set savings/transactions account?