This was posted 10 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Dymples Artemis Twin Stroller - $88 - Big W

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Twin stroller on clearance / sale. Low stock most locations but went to a store today where they had a display + 1. Assume same in most or display only.

Didnt buy it as our eldest is too tall for it - but shopped around all day and was comparable in quality to most low end twin strollers (all quite short) which start at around $180. This model orig. $149.

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closed Comments

  • Twins are becoming more common as the age of women who decide to give mothering a go rises. What was once novelty is now epidemic. This pram is useful for a single child because you can put nappies, shopping etc in the empty chair.

    • I had a twin brother, or so I'm told… and now I am the father of twins. The mrs was in her late 20s when we had them. Now she's in her early 30s and really want another child. I wonder what's the probability of having another multiple pregnancy?

      • I have just calculated and the results are: 23% single, 46% twins, 31% triplets.

        • 31% triplets!!!! o.O Twins was bad enough.I mean they are beautiful, sweet, caring,mostly well-behaved and totally lovable kids now but when they were born… :-( I think we'll adopt the third kid.

  • +1

    You wouldn't want to take one of these shopping. Getting through doorways, down aisles etc is a nightmare. We opted for the limo version. (one behind the other). Worked well for us.

    • Its not too wide - but the narrowness makes it 'cozy'. Most of the inlines are huge.

      Fyi I think this suits 6m - 3y well. So ok for siblings too.

      • Our kids were 14 months apart. The rear seat could be set up flat for the baby and had "sides" to stop drafts, too much sun etc. Then when the child was ready to sit up it became a seat. Had space underneath for bags etc.

        • I agree…. I got twins, go the bus (front to back).

          It's not just doorways, its checkouts and even walking down the street. So much easier getting through people with limo than side to side.

          But for a cheap throw away travel stroller on holidays, $88 is mighty tempting!

  • +1

    I have twins. My strollers of choice. From newborn Maclaren Twin Triumph (lightest umbrella fold twin stroller 8kg, excellent build, fits into any car, fantastic for travelling and easy to resell). From 18mths+ there's another twin stroller from Target or Big W that's umbrella fold but seats do not recline and it's really really light's fantastic. Weight is a huge factor for me. Already have to lift 2 babies in and out of the car everywhere.

    From 2yo phil n ted jogger withe the extra seat in the back. By then you really need pneumatic wheels for ease of push coz they are so heavy. But they were already walking everywhere then and we barely got any use out of phil n ted. Luckily it was borrowed from a friend.

    For one baby I just used a single Maclaren from newborn all the way until he could walk. Best strollers ever. Every one of my friends with fancy prams all switched to maclaren from 8mths to 1yo…Might as well use it from the start.

  • +1

    This is such a good deal I got one. And I have only one kid! The shopping can go on the other side!


    Its 2 more but uts a brand. V bought this a few weeks back from deals dc irest for 120. So far satisfied with the use.

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