[POLL] Users of Catch of The Day

Hi Everyone,
Being the bargain lover i am, i am doing an assignment at uni on Catch of the Day.
In the assignment we have to create primary research to discover the demographics of users of the company.
so with that i would really appreciate it if you could answer my poll with your age and gender

Thank you so much!!!!

Poll Options

  • 6
    18-24 Female
  • 7
    25-30 Female
  • 5
    31-36 Female
  • 2
    37-42 Female
  • 2
    43-50 Female
  • 2
    51-60 Female
  • 1
    60+ Female
  • 21
    18-24 Male
  • 9
    25-30 Male
  • 4
    31-36 Male
  • 5
    37-42 Male
  • 3
    43-50 Male
  • 1
    51-60 Male
  • 1
    61+ Male

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Oops, vote wrong gender 25-30 Female.

  • +4

    Trying to get the demographics of Catch Of The Day on OzBargain might not be the best idea — the stats would skew towards OzBargain users rather than CoTD users. Maybe you should ask them directly?

    • Not sure if they'd have that info and if they did, doubt they'd divulge it. Worth a try though.

      If you didn't mean 'ask the company', how does ones ask CoTD users when there isn't a forum on that site?

      Title does say Users of CoTD though.

    • Yeah OP forgot to account for the people who use COTD but don't visit Ozbargain.

  • Hi guys, thanks for the replies. I am also surveying other people who do not use oz bargain, but i felt like this was a good place to get information also.
    It is very difficult to get information from catch of the day itself, as they do not have a phone number or contact email address other then what is given on the website. they also really only share information that would make them look good, and it may breach privacy terms and conditions to relay such data.

    Also whilst this information would be ideal and easy, the point of my assignment is to unfortunately source the information myself and use it as primary data.


    • I would have to say from my own experience that their customer service is below par.
      They have over "600 full time staff" and have been in operation since 2006.

      I received an email advising my successful order placement. This email listed the two same incorrect links to the tracking information of my order.
      My order was for the recent TV offer, which I purchased.
      I advised the company to update their email information for future customers, so the customer could correctly track the parcel and be home for the delivery. (particularly for a large sized parcel like a TV.)

      They seemed to not only not understand this problem, but seemed to continue to not understand the problem.

      They advised instead that they are no longer responsible for an item, once it leaves their warehouse.

      The TV also was to be delivered by Star Track Express, which lacks multiple depots sites in South Australia. This is unlike Australia Post, which has many.
      The store rep. had advised in Oz Bargain, it would be delivered by Australia Post.

      They do not wish to offer a phone contact for customer service.

      They only want to offer a certain level of customer care, with typed or emailed dialogue.
      I don't mind this lack of verbal communication, but the incompetent level of comprehension was extremely frustrating.

      Also for an item worth more than $100 (or whatever), a better level of customer care ought to be considered.
      I was unaware of the poor customer service level at the time of ordering, which is my fault.

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