Hello there
My Nokia Lumia 1320 supports 800/1800/2600 4G/LTE coverage.
I read Vodafone are rolling out 850 LTE at the end of this year.
Will I be able to get it? I really don't know about the bands.
Hello there
My Nokia Lumia 1320 supports 800/1800/2600 4G/LTE coverage.
I read Vodafone are rolling out 850 LTE at the end of this year.
Will I be able to get it? I really don't know about the bands.
Not really. They're 're-farming' the 850 from 3G to 4G slowly. In the end Voda will be 900/2100 3G
My question is if my phone supports 850 4G
Ah yes, my bad.. you will not get 850mhz LTE connectivity, only 850mhz 3G.
Your phone doesn't do 850mhz LTE but it will receive 1800mhz
No probs. Just 800 is close to 850 and wasn't sure, as theres no 950 or 2150 etc.
Your 3G reception will become 4G. If your phone supports UMTS 850mhz, then you will be supported by voda's network.