Great New Gaming Bundles From Jbhifi
Xbox One + Forza Horizon 2 + Destiny + Forza 5 + NBA 2K15 + Shadow Of Mordor $599
PS4 + DriveClub + Assassin's Creed Black Flag + Shadow Of Mordor + NBA 2K15 $599
Soniq E40V14A 40" Full HD LED-LCD TV $299
20% Off Logitech Keyboards, Mice, Webcams, Pc Speakers And Headsets
15% Off Acer, Asus, Hp, Dell and Toshiba Computers
Selected New Release DVD'S $15.98
Xbox One + 5 Games $599, PS4 + 4 Games $599 @JBHIFI

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closed Comments
Actually your up later than me being nearly 3am in Brisbane :) Gotta remember I'm 3 hours behind being here in Little ol Perth :)
Really appreciate your late night deals.Thanks
No Problem :) Keeps it lively at night :)
OzBargain never sleeps :)
How good are JB HiFi for swapping out games in bundles? I'm hoping to swap one of these games for Halo MC collection next week.
Master Chief collection next week? I wish… It's not out until November 11th…
Ahhh, I guess I got over excited. Still one more month…
i wish they swapped out driveclub for project cars.
doesnt that release in nov
Wish they could swap AC for last of us, and drive club for destiny.
they have already had destiny and lou bundles
Yeah, but I missed it. :(
I'd be interested in finding out if they will swap games.
good to hear!
let us know how you go :)
I hope they will have a bundle like that with the Sunset Overdrive limited edition console
EB has exclusivity on the Subset Overdrive White Xbox One Bundle.
for real!? damn! I thought I saw it on the JBHIFI website a while ago :( that is really dissapointing, of course EB wont have any good deals on consoles and I just so happen to be stuck with JB gift cards :\
guys is this bundle worth to buy? except Assassins Black Flag, the rest of 3 games are coming out recently, and i am a big fun of NBA2K15, and wish JB could swap Black Flag to infamous second son or diablo 3..
This is one of the best bundles and as you said with most new games it's even better, usually you will get mostly old games in bundles with 1 newish one.
Could you buy the bundle.. then return the games and get store credit.. but keep the console?
Would like to know this as well. I guess you could sell them as well as they are all new releases, could easily get $50-$60 for each of them.
Really nice price, been after an Xbox One for a while now, having both Forza's in their is a major plus but I know I wouldn't touch Destiny and would be on the fence with Mordor & NBA 2K15. Will be keeping an eye on this thread to see how guys go with trading games out with JB. I guess I could also sell the ones I don't want.
Mordor is supposed to be amazing. Im not really into racing games but could probably sell both Forzas for $100 quickly. Its about the best bundle so far I think. Wonder if there are any JB gift card discounts at the moment…
leaning towards the bigw bundle, but i want AC4 instead of TR…..I restrain myself and wait end of next month for pre xmas bundles maybe?
Anyone had experience trying to get any of these "online" deals in store? Not a big fan of online purchasing, prefer the old brick and mortar approach :)
Same deal is advertised in store. I picked one up last night :)
They won't exchange the games unless they're out of stock at the time.
Selling all the included games gets you a ps4 for around $380 or less
Just got a PS4 Bundle. Swapped out NBA2K15 for Destiny.
Called 2 stores, Kedron and Chermside (North Brisbane). Kedron said they wouldn't swap anything out. The Chermside guy (Jake) was heaps friendlier and said swapping a new release (NBA, Mordor) for Destiny was sweet. Give your local JB a call and see how you go :)Side note: The guy who grabbed the games accidentally gave me Aliens:Isolation instead of AC4. I opened my stupid big mouth and he swapped it. Oh well.
Is this the bundle that finally makes me pull the trigger on that X1? It seems like a pretty good deal, just already have SoM and Destiny on the PS4. I suppose I can always trade them in for MCC. Thou, I was also looking for a Kenitic..
Is there someone in the know, what is the chances of different packages before Xmas? Do you think there will be a change in price, or more swapping in/out games?
There will definitely be different bundles for all consoles leading up to xmas
Tempted to grab that Xbox bundle…good price and great bundle of games. The PS4 bundle isn't so great for me (Shadow of Mordor the only one I'm interested in) but…I do want a PS4…
Do what I did..
buy it and sell all the games :)I am thinking of the Xbox bundle as well. Kinda gone off gaming for a while but Destiny and Mordor look like they might be worth a go. Should be able to sell the other games and make an easy $120 maybe even a bit more. This seems to be the best bundle we have seen for months. Just not sure with Christmas coming up whether there will be a price drop or better bundles :\
Really like the "value" in this deal but not the games so much. Any one know anyone who might price match and be more receptive to game swaps?
Is there an end-date for these bundle deals?
About a week or 2
I think the XBox one ends on the 15th
Yeah, took a glance at the fine print, 15th Oct at midnight. Really wanted some more time to mull it over but alas
Do you even sleep? lol!!