Rumours and speculations on future iPhones

Well according to rumours and speculations with future iPhones, They will continue to increase in size, As for the iPhone 7. Rumours tend to be correct and as a result, people will purchase an iPhone regardless.

If the iPhone 7, not the 6s/plus, had 2 additional larger scaled phones, would you consider purchasing one? Many people prefer larger phones, it seems to be a thing now days, what are your thoughts?


  • +6

    All you need to do is look to current Android phones.

    It wasn't that long ago that Apple marketing was spouting about the "perfect" size of the iPhone 5 ( Once they saw how well the "non-nonsensically" large Android phones were doing, they cannot wait to jump on the bandwagon. Typing suggestions? Third party keyboards? Notification actions? Widgets? Battery Stats? The list goes on.

    All the features that have been available on Android for years - never has stopped Apple from constantly claiming that "this changes everything".

    • It wasn't that long ago that Apple marketing was spouting about the "perfect" size of the iPhone 5

      Really?? Now what do you bloodly well think a MARKETING department would do?

      Just like the Samsung Legal department would do if they were sued again.

      ROFL….. with your comment!!!

      Almost as clever as the Op's iPhone 7 comment… I predict after that there will be a iPhone8 and iPhone9, now that's real insight!!!

    • -7

      Once they saw how well the "non-nonsensically" large Android phones were doing, they cannot wait to jump on the bandwagon. Typing suggestions? Third party keyboards? Notification actions? Widgets? Battery Stats? The list goes on.

      All the features that have been available on Android for years - never has stopped Apple from constantly claiming that "this changes everything".

      Cool story bro. Let's not forget Samsung being fined $930M for copying Apple's design. It's just how devices are developed, if they didn't copy each other, features such as text messaging would only exist with Nokia. If Australia had a centrally planned socialist economy, then there would only be one device in the market and no matter how bad it was, it was the only option available. Just stop talking, your hate is unnecessary and the act of copying one another is essential for technology to move forward.

      • +2

        I agree, that imitation is one of the best ways forward. I'm a big opponent of the vague patents that are often issued to companies like Apple (eg. D593087 and D604305), plus many of the patents that Samsung was said to have infringed were an Android (Google) issue (plus many were later struck out and invalidated). Those kinds of actions are stifling to innovation, all you had to do is look in the wake of the original lawsuits and you can find the Galaxy S3 - known as the "first smartphone designed entirely by lawyers", and one of the worst Android phones (as well as having the highest defect rate) ever created.

        My comment is merely pointing out that Apple has been (for a while), following the innovations of Android devices (not just Samsung) - which would be a good beginning to see what Apple will do in the future. I own both Apple and Android devices, so I'm simply pointing out that Apple has certainly moved away from the innovative reputation they used to possess - which is why it is so farcical that people become so zealous over features which are imitation, rather than innovation.

        Plus, it's very easy to upset rabid Apple fans with any critique of Apple or their products. If you truly believed that "the act of copying one another is essential for technology to move forward", then you should condemn Apple's lawsuits against Samsung.

    • They still innovate though. The finger id thingie is very nice, they're doing things differently with their camera. Our company just replaced all our BBs with iPhone 6. I like it quite a lot. There really no place for BBs now. So now I'm carrying my personal G3 and work iPhone 6 around. Comparing them both, there's enough differences to make me like both their uniqueness.

  • +1

    I've got a 4S, and I like the size. I'm not likely to upgrade if the phones continue to get bigger and bigger. I'll reluctantly leave Apple behind, if they don't keep a reasonably hand-sized phone in their range when the time comes for me to upgrade - another year or two.

    • Likewise, I still have a 4S. I'm probably going to upgrade to a 6, but I certainly wouldn't consider a 6 plus - way too big! I will be quite unhappy if Apple increases the minimum size to greater than the 6.

  • +1

    Rumours tend to be correct and as a result, people will purchase a iPhone regardless.

    I can easily make a rumour saying the iPhone 7 can transform into a pumpkin whilst wearing a chef's hat and this rumour came from a reliable source. Are you saying that this is correct? And people will still buy it even if it was to come true since it does sound pretty cool…

    • +1

      I can confirm, have the pumpkin phone in my hand. You were wrong about the chef's hat though - maybe we'll see that in the next model.

  • +1

    An even larger size iphone? Probably not going to happen. It may even cannibalize iPad mini sales so it's not likely Apple will go beyond the 6 Plus. If you have a phablet chances are you won't want an iPad mini since the phablet serves your needs fine.

    At a size of 5.5 inches the iPhone 6+ is about as phablet as one can get, at 5.9 inches you see a lot of people complaining about the phone being too large to hold (comments on Nexus 6 in particular)

    Poll results (Is the Nexus 6 too big?)

    • Yes, it's too big, and I'm not going to buy it. (34%, 6,501 Votes)
    • Yes, it's too big, but I'm not decided on buying one yet. (29%, 5,707 Votes)
    • No, definitely not - I'm all over this big beast. (19%, 3,632 Votes)
    • I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter, I'm buying it. (10%, 1,853 Votes)
    • Yes, it's too big, but I'm buying one anyway. (8%, 1,665 Votes)

    34% have decided that 5.9 inch is too big, so that's around a third of consumers who wouldn't want 5.9 phablet.

    • +3

      Id like to meet the women that voted 5.9 inches as to big, I might have something that interests them

    • Interestingly the 5.9" Nexus 6 should actually be shorter (but probably fatter) than the 5.5" iPhone 6+ due to iPhones incredibly large bezels. see here

  • Well according to rumours and speculations with future iPhones, They will continue to increase in size

    I doubt that, definitely not next year. Because of it's large bezels, the iphone is already larger than other 5.5in phones.

  • More than happy with my iphone 5 - won't be upgrading to the large bendy banana. In addition what about all you tradies out there ( & my husband is one) who put the phone in the pocket of their jeans or shorts ? The iphone 6 is too big for this.

  • +1

    Well according to rumours and speculations with future iPhones, They will continue to increase in size, As for the iPhone 7. Rumours tend to be correct and as a result, people will purchase an iPhone regardless.

    Sorry but all this is bs and dumb. Are you saying that the iPhone 15 is going to be the size a table? Anyone can start a rumor.

  • Like others, I doubt apple are going beyond the size of the iphablet. Google's supposed release of the 5.9/6.0 inch Nexus 6 is already getting kick back - even though it will end up about the same size as the iphablet (apple waste space on that big button/fingerprint sensor).

    I do expect that the iphone proper will get a bump, probably to ~5 inch and full HD - my guess is why this year's iphone was only at a Nexus 4 level was to allow them to reach a Nexus 5 level next year.

    By that point I expect Google to be moving the market towards Project Ara, Project Tango type territory - leaving the existing paradigm to the budget phones (which is what the apple offerings will then effectively be; if not in price).

    • Pardon Sane? - Not all of us out here are way up in technological speech or terminologies of phone/computer usage. At the risk of you coming back with an derogatory comment please understand this.

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