Hi guys,
I'm just trying to gather information for a uni assignment and was wondering if there are any parents out there with children in primary school, wanting to give me some feedback/information?
Basically I'm trying to find out whether it's a common thing for primary schools to not have a tuck shop and some more information around it such as:
- Do you know why the school doesn't have a tuck shop?
- What do you do instead? Make their lunches every morning?
- What do you normally put in their lunch boxes?
- How much do you spend in your kids lunch each day?
- Would you pay for a service to make this process more convenient and if so, how much?
It would be good if it's an open discussion and any additional information you want to share (since I don't have primary aged children myself, so a lot of these are just assumptions).
Thanks in advance :)
My child's primary school has a tuck shop, and from doing schools tours a year ago - they all did. But to answer your questions (as we rarely use the tuck shop option):