My previous Vitality broke so I'm after a replacement. Cheapest I've found in my area is $36 for the Vitality Precision Clean with 1 extra head. Happy to wait a week or so if there's something greatly cheaper from an online store.
Cheapest Oral-B Vitality toothbrush

I find the battery in the vitality dies after two or three years.Spend abit more and get the next one up which is Pro care 500 or 700. Dicksmith had it on sale last month. Apparently it has a better battery life.
The Pro care 500 is ~$99 though. I'd say you're on the money with the battery life of the Vitality - I've had two so far and each has lasted 2-3 years before the battery life is noticeably diminished. I've also heard the battery used in the Pro care is different, can anyone confirm how much longer it lasts?
Check out the comments in the deal I linked above. I bought one, so hopefully it lasts longer than the vitality.
wtfnodeal on 01/09/2014 - 07:37 ¶
Don't buy vitality if you can afford $10 more for a pro care as the battery for vitality dies right after 2 years but my pro care is on its 5th year now.Alternatively u can replace the battery in the vitality, then it would be as good as new.
I was going to, but I was too lazy to solder.Think I'll go for the $29 Vitality this time around. No deals on the Pro Care at this time and I'm not paying ~$99 for one. Thanks all!…