A Mac-user (& uni student) I will need to use Windows at work from next month for heavy-duty Excel spreadsheets (+use Powerpoint & Word at the same time).
(I want to learn those functions only available in Windows before I get there, and use the notebook to process memory hogging spreadsheets.)
Thanks in advance.
Best Windows Notebook < $600. 13" or Larger.
mxyzptik on 07/10/2014 - 11:24
Last edited 07/10/2014 - 11:58
Last edited 07/10/2014 - 11:58
If you already have a Mac perhaps you could look at using bootcamp or virtualising with Parallels or similar.
You can use Office 365 and run it on your mac .
4 years license for $ 99 if you are Uni student.
Excel spreadsheets do not have to be memory hogs. Construct them right from the beginning and you can run them on any cheap notebook out there at the moment. I had a spreadsheet with 10 years of sales history for a large national bakery (converted to Office 2003) with production and distribution sheets for daily use and I was running it on an old Dell supplied by the Company and on an Android tablet.