I have accidentally splashed some oats milk on my car exterior and couldn't clean that that for a while. When I try to remove those not it seems not possible with car wash soap. I even tried speed waxing but the stains are still there. Will it require some cut and polish from a paint shop?
Vehicle stain removal advise ?

Do you know how much that cost normally?can't remember exactly sorry, not more than $20
Some people charge $150 for a full detail
First try a clay bar http://goo.gl/oyGUw1
It's a piece of clay that is a very fine abrasive. You can buy the clay only and use it with soapy water. Wet the sponge, gently squeeze some running water over the stain, rub with the clay bar continuously. You can't damage the paint with the clay bar it is very gentle. Try to only do the stain spot because it's recommended to wax again after using the clay. A small spot is fine though.I find the clay will remove any contaminants from paint (but not scratches or damage).
Thanks, it's the first time I read about this and will do some research…
I read that as goat milk…
Have done the same a few weeks back and still cant get rid of it! @madmouse58 thanks for the info
cut and polish yes, from a car shop and sometimes woolies/coles has it.