Macker's Monopoly Pieces

Anyone know of a good place to swap monopoly pieces? I, for one, do not feel like spending all my money at Mackers but I still want to play. Anyone here game?
Willing to trade Trafalger or The Angel Islington or Instant Win small coffee for Oxford Street or Regent Street. Any takers?

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  • +3


    Try searching for Facebook swap groups.

    • +12

      I heard of Maccas and Mickey D's, but I have never seen Mcdonald's referred to as "Mackers" lol

      • +1

        I've seen people spell it "Maccars". We live in a funny world :')

        • Good name for their delivery service in trial!

    • Google shows:

      Maccas (pron. "mackers") : McDonald's (the hamburger place)

      I hope the pronounciation doesn't catch on with the spelling..

  • +2

    Somehow I can't see someone swapping the rare piece for a Jeep with a small coffee.

    PS. Mackers?

    • Lol yeah. You'll have to pay at least 3/4 of what the prize is worth to get that rare piece

  • +2

    OP: Good luck on someone swapping you their Regent Street lol, if this website is correct (…)…

    Regent Street | Jeep | 15 Rare Pieces [Green Property Set]

  • From the previous thread

    Check the 'rare' tickets off the list (there is a mcdonalds monopoly facebook page) if you have that, then go asking around FB/friends/eating mcdonalds to get the remainder generic ones. Trading or buying common tickets is just pointless. You're not any closer to winning

  • The way this competition would work is that there would be a single piece which is rare. If there were 5 pieces needed to win a prize, the first 4 would have large amounts in production. The 5th would only be printed a limited number of times.

    Therefore swapping is useless as no one would give away the rare piece as that is essentially the winning ticket.

  • I hope you are not trying to take advantage of the innocent.

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