First time poster.
Get in quick, typical deal; they'll probably be sold out in a matter of minutes.
Best before date is the 7th September hence the special price.
First time poster.
Get in quick, typical deal; they'll probably be sold out in a matter of minutes.
Best before date is the 7th September hence the special price.
Never mind the taste, feel the width!
It is only best before.
As long as you keep it in a cool dark place it will be fine for a few more months.
At that price, it is even good to cook with!
If anyone wants to know the actual amount of coco it works out to be 36%
After shipping it's still $2 per block. And you're bulk buying out of date stuff - so by the time you get around to the last couple of blocks, they're going to be a long way out of date.
It's OK. But I'd probably expect to pay less than $12 for 6 blocks of out of date chocolate.
It's 12 block, so $1 each..does that help you?
My brain just exploded.
How did I get that wrong?
Yes, that does make it a bargain :P
Om nom nom nom nom
Also, am I the only one who finds "mildly dark" amusing? as in, you'd be mildly dark if you missed out on this bargain?
hahaha had a good time reading this :)
I bought one block a few weeks ago and liked it. So when presented with this bargain… Thank you for posting this, Surreality. One of the easiest insta-buy decisions for me.
Got some, nice deal thanks!
And "best before date" means nothing if its as close as this. Think about what chocolate is made of… mostly preservatives. Worry when its 12 months over but not hours :)
actually, i kind of interested on the fleece hood item.. any1 think they are cheap ? $39.99 plus $5 delivery
Yes that is a very reasonable price. if you were to buy that in SDS or Citybeach you'd be looking at 100bux
OMG - This much chocolate should come complete with membership of Diabetes Australia AND a current referral to a Cardiologist! ;)
LOL :)
is it not illegal to sell overdue food?
hence, my negative.
NB: even if it's not illegal, i still wouldn't buy food that's past due by date.
Best before != Overdue / Use By
You need to understand the difference between use by and best before, they mean completley different things.
"Use Buy" is used on perishable food items (milk, cream and so on) which develop bacteria as they age, these bacteria can be harmful to human health.
Even so, use buy dates are conservative; drinking milk a few days after this date is not going to kill you nor will it make you sick provided you smell it and use common sense.
Food past its use buy date cannot be sold.
"Best before" is used on non perishable foods where bacteria will not grow over time.
After the best before date a product may change in colour, consistency and/or taste however poses no harmful effect from consumption.
Best before is a date which the manufacturer grantees the food will be in the same condition as it left the factory.
There is no harm in selling food past its best before date nor is it illegal. There are even supermarkets which only sell food past its best before date at large discounts.
You will not get sick from eating this chocolate nor is it going to taste or look any different, in say 3-6 months things might be different.
Well said!
There's a place I shop at that often sells chocolate approaching or even beyond its best-before date. Now honestly the stuff approaching the date tasted no different to the stuff in Coles for 5X the price. Myself and flatmates all confirmed this. The stuff over its best-before date does start to lose some flavour and texture but still certainly isn't bad for you. And since I bought chocolates in bulk some managed to slip beyond 12 months past the date and that's when it starts to deteriorate further. Eventually the chocolate will start going white. I don't know what the scientific name for this process is but you don't want chocolate lying around for that long.
In context of this bargain, this chocolate and its age is just fine. Thanking those who didn't want it, more for the rest of us :)
As tantryl said I might even cook with some of it since I really can't see myself getting through 12 blocks anytime soon!
It's wroth noting that my friend in the Army is often given M&M's that expired in 2006.
If you need info on the difference between "best before" and "use by" dates.…
Personally I think dark chocolate tastes yuck even when it's freshly made - apart from a Cherry Ripe ;-)
Old Gold is best as a cooking chocolate. Make hot chocolates out of it, muffins, cakes, melt it and roll real strawberries or cherries in it… all good.
lol some contenders for the biggest loser coming up i see :)
Hehe well I keep myself fit and space out the junk food so I'll be right :)
Plus most of it will end up getting eaten by flatmates/visitors anyway, they'll get fat not me :P
They have it again at midday today:
"Cadbury 12pk
Old Gold Mildly Dark
WHY PAY $51.95
TODAY $5.99"
"Shipping Category
Order Total up to $80
wonder if its the same chocolate :)
As it now posted on the website, it states:
"Best Before October 2009." (so newer then the last lot (not buy much though).
"Limit of 1 pack per customer. Each pack includes 12 x 220g blocks of Cadbury Old Gold Mildly Dark Chocolate."
Mildly Dark hmm thats interesting :) so different type, or typo i'm wondering ? or was it Midly last time
@Mikinoz: I don't know if it IS different this time. Last time all I know was that it was Cadbury Old Gold, so is this, but maybe a different variety.
Did a search, yes the same:
"12 packs of Cadbury Old Gold Mildly Dark chocolate ONLY $5.99"
eww its out of date, chocolate is always better whens its fresh in my experience although i only know about the tatse :)