My cashback success - 7 of 9 on Buckscoop vs 0 of 5 on Moneyback.
No enmity to MBC but I've had no luck with it. YMMV
PS I only just looked these up to see if CotD still does cashback which I note they don't. Maybe Ozbargain should ban CotD listings so they get a bit more desperate for referrals ;)
That is interesting. Would really like to get more details, could you email me directly, [email protected]? Different offers are on different networks, with some having better tracking rates than others. Also when using more than one affiliate, clearing your cookies is vital, otherwise the transaction is more than likely going to get attributed to the affiliate you visited first.
If you get in touch hopefully we'll be able to shed more light on whats happening.
Cheers, Steve.