Garden of Life Meal Replacements or Protein Shakes


I am looking for a vegan protein shake, that wouldn't break the bank.Any recommendations?


edit: Was recommended by nutritionist to use Garden of life replacement meals or protein shakes. Has anyone used these before?


  • +1……

    Not too sure how they taste though, but I'm a big fan of their regular protein range.

    • Thanks Mate. Have you heard of Garden of Life? It has an impressive list of ingredients:
      13 organic sprouts, 4 organic cereal grass juices, 5 organic fruits, spirulina, chlorella n zero synthetic nutrients, artificial flavors, sweeteners or preservatives.

      • +1

        Nah. I haven't I'm afraid. Not a vegan myself, and I usually just stick to basic shakes as I like adding my own stuff to it for my daily smoothie. If you have any questions in regards to Bulk Nutrients, I know they hold live Q&A sessions on their FB page from Monday to Friday.

        I think you can get one off free samples sent to you as well. So that's a good idea if you're worried about taste.…

  • +1

    You could do a lot worse than Bulk Nutrients, great business albeit understandably not the cheapest out there.

    I've seen sou protein going for very little on Ebay. Lots of sales and great seller rating but hard to ascertain quality of the product. Worth a shot though I think.…

    Pea protein also going for cheap:…

    Looks like Ebay is your friend for vegan supplements..

  • There's also Venom:

    Pea protein isolate:…


    Works out cheaper per kilo than Bulk Nutrients, but the downside is you have to buy 4kg at a time :(

    You could also use this 10% discount code I received for a friend to use: click! but again, bummer being your order would have to be a minimum of $150.

    I dunno if I'd trust eBay personally, but I'm a suspicious cat by nature lol.

    • I wouldn't trust ebay either. I was recommended the Garden of life meal replacement by a nutritionist but I'm a bit hesitant to get it because of
      1. the price
      2. We've never had any kind of supplements other than multi-vitamins from time to time and up to now it has worked for us.
      3.been told it taste disgusting
      I'm healthy and have had a low body fat and an almost 6-pack for most of the past decade. But we've recently decided to become vegans mostly because of our kids. They are both animal lovers and completely opposed to eating meat or fish.My son once said, "did you know that beef is the flesh of dead cows?" and my daughter "Animals are our friends. We don't eat Ewok (our dog), why do we eat lamb, chicken or fish?"
      The kids are dealing really well with being vegans. They love pulses, veggies of any kind, tofu , seaweed, fruits, nuts ..etc They are so full of life and energy.
      On the other hand, the mrs and I, we're not doing so good. Its really hard to find something quick, easy,nutritious and vegan when you're on the go. We're both very active:running, biking,swimming, yoga(her), weight-lifting(me).. that I'm concerned we might not be getting enough protein from our vegan diet.

      Edit:We're not strict vegans. I believe the correct term would ovo-lacto vegetarians.We eat animal products such as eggs, milk and cheese.

      • +1

        Since you're including dairy in your diet, why not go with whey protein? Natural whey has no added flavours or sweeteners if you wanna keep things as simple and natural as possible :) and it tastes pretty good, otherwise you could just add some honey! I drank whey protein isolate in my vegetarian days :) I'm still mostly vegetarian (in fact, now that I think about it.. I can't remember the last time I had meat… I don't particularly enjoy it, never have really… and became ethically vego at around 11 years of age. Only really went back to incorporating small amounts of meat into my diet when recovering from my eating disorder in the last few years - hospital frowned upon any sort of 'rules' around food exclusions, even moral based ones, somewhat understandably… there were MANY 'vegetarians' and 'vegans' there lol). But yeah, I've always got whey protein at home for a boost now and then :)

        Nuts and cottage cheese are also good, easy ways of getting a boost. Low fat cottage cheese is awesome. I mix it in with salads, smother it on toast or in sandwiches, mix it in with sauces/pasta. Anything. lol

        Your kids sound wonderful with food! As in really easy, like veggies and all the other stuff most kids would go "eww!" at lol. So awesome! Have you ever made chia pudding? With coconut milk, vanilla extract and some cinnamon? Or whatever really - loads of 'recipes' online. Delicious and fun texture :D

        TBH, I'd stick with the multivitamins and just add some protein if you're worried about not getting enough. That Garden of Life stuff sounds like rubbish :P Massive gimmick. Anything good in it, you'd already be getting from your diet, which sounds really good already! Or just get that stuff on your own and it'd be cheaper lol. Spirulina tastes disgusting, imo. Do you and your family have regular blood tests? You could probably do with a full work up just to make sure everything's good for peace of mind, too :)

        edit: though I guess whey protein is more expensive per kilo than vegan protein.. d'oh! My head's not screwed on today…

        • @WT, Wiki tried Fitmiss for a while. There were increasingly more and more white flecks in her BM, which really freaked her out! We thought it was worms , turned out it was the whey protein that her body wasn't digesting…at all.
          I tried the shake but didn't like the artificial taste.
          During the suspected parasitic infection, she had some blood work done.she's slightly anemic and the Doc did suggest we try to get more protein in our diet because we have such an active lifestyle. she's lost a bit of weight lately…and that's not good: skinny women look good with clothes on, fit women look good naked ;-)

          edit: Re: desert recipe- We like it with a little bit more coconut/almond milk and a scoop of ice-cream. More like a decadent smoothie than a pudding :-)

          edit 2: my kids are very different from my wife and I.We both used to have meat/poultry/fish twice a day and veggies would be more like an after-thought. Then my wife fell pregnant and she just couldn't stand the smell of meat. The only thing she could keep down during the pregnancy was a completely vegan diet.After they were born, the twins would refuse their mother's milk if she had meat that day and then they'll cry all night long because they were starving.It was a nightmare. We did 'force feed' them non-vegan food from 18months of age to almost 3yrs old because we didn't want them to have a restrictive diet and we thought they'll learn to like it. Didn't work.

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