Mighty Ape has a daily deal on Lego: The Hobbit on Wii U (along with PC, Vita and 3DS).
Pricing at Compare Games shows it's significantly cheaper than anywhere else it's on offer: http://www.comparegames.com.au/Wii-U/Lego-The-Hobbit/prices/…
If you're interested in the other formats mentioned they can be found at https://m.mightyape.com.au/daily-deals/slot/18331 - $12 for PC and $14 for 3DS and Vita (plus delivery).
Please be aware you will be purchasing an incomplete version as Warner Brother does not release DLC on Wii U consoles and the Hobbit is releasing the last part of the game(storywise) as DLC. This seems to also be the case for the Vita/3DS versions also given what they've done with previous lego games and the fact that Batman3 won't release DLC for all 3 consoles.