Asus T100 10.1" Intel Atom Processor Touch Notebook T100TA-DK003H
Samsung SM-T700NZWAXSA Galaxy Tab S 8.4" 16GB WiFi White for $372.20
Bought (t100)
Good price on the Tab S
Cheapest price I have seen the Tab S, seems like a pretty good android tablet too!
oops, accidental neg!
Indeed.. was about to pick you up on your maths.
Alls well.
All good, first neg I have had.. pretty sure you can revert it.
I've never had to reverse a neg before, is there a way?
Pretty sure you can click the positive button perhaps?
@giggles: Doesn't matter then, will have to find a better deal next time to get your positive vote haha
there you go… :)
damn I feel bad, and dumb. Must be the fact that Hawthorn won….
actually I think if my first comment gets negged 5 times then my bargain neg goes away, so PLEASE feel free to neg my first comment if admin doesn't fix this.
? I thought we are going to boycott tgg sale?
with jacked up prices, yes, but I think they must have been watching OzB and backed down, at least on the aforementioned T100.
Or you shot your mouth off too early calling the sale a "fake sale", a "scam", and calling for TGG to be "reported to ebay". No, on second thoughts I prefer your idea - they have spies watching every comment on OzB, especially yours.
Cheapest prices I have seen for the T100 and Tab S so I thought it was good enough to be posted. Only had good experience with the good guys in the past, very quick and reliable postage I have found.
As I understand it, these had a hardware refresh (better CPU).
Does anyone know if these are the old or new models?
According to the description it lists CPU as Intel Atom Z3740 and not the more powerful Intel Atom Z3775.
Does the Asus T100 include the dock?