Looking for the best Xbox One deal. So far my best bet is $549 at JB HI Fi which includes; Destiny, Forza 5 download code, Forza Horizon 2 and Assassins Creed Black Flag. No kinect. Wondering if there's anything better, perhaps with kinect.
Best Xbox One deals on at the moment?

While $349 in a bundle is my personal point where Xbone becomes looking attractive, I highly doubt we'll drop $200. Christmas deals in Australia have been dead for the last 3+ years. There's absolutely nothing of value to be purchased during (or after) Christmas any more. There's MORE deals, but they are worse than any singular deals throughout the year.
That being said, I'd wait as well. Just to see what bundle they come up with.
When do Christmas sales begin, usually? I'm pretty desperate to play Master Chief Collection and I am not sure if I want to wait for those sales to begin. I was going to buy the Xbox One preowned for $400 standalone and Master Chief Collection for $60. I do concur with the post above me that we likely won't see a $200 drop… that's just an absurd notion. $100 at MOST.
Start of November I'd say. If nothing overwhelming pops up by about the 15th of November, feel free to assume no worthwhile sales are coming to save us.
Yeah, I don't think we'll hit 399 by this christmas. I was just being hopeful, because 349 and 2 games is my buy in point.
depending on how much you want those games and kinect.. Kmart has the xbox one with kinect for 499, you will have no games though. it's still the cheapest Ive seen the console with kinect for lately
does it have the console without kinect?
Seriously though, don't get one. Mine has been sitting unused for months now. The games aren't really any better than last gen, (you can only tell when you run them side by side), the OS is awful, and at this point has no real features, the kinetic is useless, its a big fat waste of time at the moment. Maybe in a year or two when the thing has some momentum, decent apps and decent games, this may change, but right now, its useless.
In your opinion, of course.
Dick Smith Blacktown recently opened a few days ago with a in-store promotion just selling the Xbox One console for $350.
So that big w one currently on the deals page is pretty good.
$50 dollar seasonal discount in the US, perhaps might translate down under?
Whatever you do; don't buy now. The best deals will be at Christmas for both PS4 and Xbone. They'll break beneath $399, and the best bundles I predict will contain 2 games (only one that you'll actually want) and potentially hit $349.
I doubt that will include kinect, but really, are you missing out on much?
It'd be silly to buy now. Especially a bundle that contains Black Flag, that can be bought cheaper on any other console with very little noticable difference. Better to buy a bundle that contains all native next-gen games so you get the bang for your buck.