• expired

TPG with New Download Limit Again, on The $49.99. Not Sure about The Rest


looks like TPG has upped the download limit on some plans again in less than 2 weeks. some plans have an extra 5GB. Eg. $49.99 has gone from 75GB to 80GB

Super Fast Starter /10GB
10GB1 (3GB+7GB)

Super Fast Basic /30GB
30GB1 (15GB+15GB)

Super Fast Standard /80GB
80GB2 (40GB+40GB)

Super Fast Medium /90GB
90GB2 (45GB+45GB)

Super Fast Heavy /150GB
150GB3 (65GB+85GB)

Super Fast Premium /90GB

Super Fast Premium+ /120GB

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closed Comments

    • +6

      no offence but I have to disagree. The quota of TPG's $49.99 plan went from 50 – 55 – 75 -80gb within the last few months. Well done TPG.

        • +6
        • +4

          im sorry but TPG doesnt lock you into contracts.even when you change plans. infact TPG doesnt even have 24 month contracts. their longest contract is an 18 month contract.

        • +3

          "Plus TPG always lock you into 24 month contracts whenever you change plans or move to them." This is incorrect. 1) TPG don not have any 24 months plan; 2) In most cases if not all, you will not required to restart a new plan when you just wanna change plan.

        • +3

          Firstly, they have 12 months contracts and 18 month contracts. (did you even click on the link?)

          Secondly, I am out of contract and can change plan (going Up as in more qoata, more speed etc) without going on a contract or paying anything.

          Thridly, How is this not a bargin to new members? Best bang for your buck out there imo.

          • +3

            @SOaDaholic: yep, even for existing TPG customers, they can change to the new plan (at same price) with higher quota for free. Nothing is better off than freebies.

            • @Turd: why on earth do you have 2 internet connections?

    • +4

      probably cuz iinet n internode plans are not really bargains. especially compaired to TPG

      iinets 49.95 plan gives you 5+8GB

      internode 69.95 plan gives you 2GB

  • +2

    An extra 5GB never hurts,,
    But TPG keep upping their plans ever few weeks it's not funny anymore.. :|

  • -2

    hey just be careful to read the fine print. i had a look at the 80gb for $50 and they count uploads as well as downloads.


    • +2

      That should be the one with VOIP.

    • +1

      wll the do not count uploads with the Super Fast Standard /80GB $49.99 80GB2 (40GB+40GB)

    • haha if it changes to counted uploads, then the extra 5gb is actually -30gb for anyone who uses torrents (and actually seeds 1:1)

    • thats true, it does count uploads and downloads. but how much does everyone upload these days?

      I checked my ISP stats today. 40GB download and 365mb upload :P

      • With torrents and seeding it's easy to do > 40GB a month for uploads

        • +3

          true true, depends if you're a good boy or not! lol

          • +1

            @Davo1111: Super Fast Standard /80GB $49.99
            80GB2 (40GB+40GB)
            Counts downloads only

            ADSL2+ 80GB with VoIP $49.99
            80GB6 (40GB+40GB)
            Counts uploads and downloads

          • @Davo1111: Seeding means you are a good boy (helping out others etc..) Pirating torrents means you are a bad boy.

            Soooooo You would be a bad/good boy! So it cancels itself out! lol

            Well that's what I keep saying to myself ahha

            • +1

              @Turd: ahahaha nah you're right, your help out the community, sharing is caring.

              Although, i wouldn't put it on my cv as "community service" lol

              • @Davo1111: well it depends on the material….it could be legitimately free such as linux ISO's :P

            • @Turd: there really should be a way to undo a vote, I just downvoted you by mistake.

              • @Seachicken: well there's always someone around to do that for you :P

      • mine is closer to 60gb uploaded and 70gb DL

  • again? yay!

    Thanks TPG :D

    Just remember, uploads are only counted on the VOIP plan, everything else doesn't count uploads.

  • +2

    Love the new plans except for the new off-peak period…

  • I downloaded from the old 50GB $49.99 down to the 30GB for $39. no problems, happened overnight.

  • not much changed, only 1 plan changed the $49, dont see why u posted the other plans up when they were the same as teh last one.

    • cuz i wasnt sure if the other ones had changed. that y the title says "on the $49.99. not sure abt the rest"

  • -2

    thats awesome stuff

    perhaps in 2 months time, i can get down to the 39.99 plan hehe

  • Is this an OZ bargain?! RRP and can be had on any day, standard plans … nothing special. Or bargain related? Forum post as best?

    • -2

      Apparently a lot of people say it's a Bargain. *shrugs

      • It still is a bargain. Best deal out there by FAR!

        • +2

          Pretty subjective as to whether it's the best…especially by far. Most ISP's do offer less bandwidth but thats not the only sign of a good ISP. Others are known for better customer support, speeds, not over congesting, better on/off splits (or none) or offer free content (something TPG is pretty light on).

          While I use TPG atm, I'd be more than happy to go back to iiNet. Only reason I'm not with them is I'm sharing a house with friends and while iiNet was enough previously with the current people I'm with we would blow the cap pretty quick.

    • I agree and you get what you pay for with a ISP. If you just browse and download etc then TPG is probaly OK if you need decent latency times then other isps are better. Since TPG doesnt have a point of presence in Perth and Im guessing other cities excluding Sydney if you are access a server in Perth the connection will be Perth - Sydney - back to Perth. Where as iinet have a point of presence everywhere so your connection won't cris-cross the country.

  • +3

    The off peak time is really short(2:30am-8am), only 5.5 hours. They are playing number game.
    My Current 40+35 with 8 hours off peak is better than 45GB+45GB with only 5.5 hours off peak.

    • +2

      who cares about offline. 5.5 hours is MORE then enough. My avg torrent speed at off peak time is 500kb. Thats a possible 9 gig you can download in the 5.5 hour time period! So in 4 days you can use the off peak useage.


    • +1

      short offpeak hour doesn't necessary mean worse value. To compare the balance of quata & peak/offpeak hours, you can calculate the average quota. For Peak hour, it's 73M/h (old plan) VS. 72.1 (new plan). And for offpeak its 166.7M/h (old) VS. 242.4M/h (new). Apparently, new plan is better off.

      • Forget torrents. Too slow. Usenet is the way to go these days. I have to manage my connections to the news server so I don't flood my 19500 connection. About 16000 is a nice place for it to sit.

    • I agree, 8 hours offpeak is better than 5.5 hours, considering I can never max out my torrent speed so 8 hours per day is better than 5.5 which means it will take more days for me to complete torrents. The extra download means nothing to me since I can't max my connection to use it all up.

      So for the old plan 49.99 you get 30+25 vs new 40+40 unless you do not use torrents during that offpeak hours than its probably worth it. Torrents with little amount of seeds will not get you anywhere!
      Usenet is not an option here

  • I can see where some of you guys are coming from, occasionally i find myself thinking that there are just too many normal products coming on as bargains these days.

  • +1

    Sweet. I am still on the same download quota but the peak / off peak is more evenly spread.

  • The only thing I don't like is the bundled mobile ($300 cap) now costs $15 instead of $10. However there is no limit to the number of mobile accounts you can now bundle.

  • good post…just logged into my tpg account and did the upgrade.

  • Just sent off TPG an e-mail re the how many phones on the 15 dollar cap you can have.

  • TPG ADSL2+ is not available in my area :(

    ADSL2+ service is currently not available in your exchange. Your exchange supports an ADSL connection with speeds up to 8000k/384k.

    Currently with Adam…hope they increase the quota soon.

    • Likewise, and fairly ironic considering I'm on ADLS2 right now so I'd beg to differ, but anyway…

      • I presume that is because you are on a different company's ADSL2 equipment. TPG probably doesn't share equipment with your current provider.

    • Try AAPT. They have unlimited offpeak offer now

      • While that is true, if you go over your cap in peak, it caps both your Peak and OfF peak , kinda defying the point of it. So you have to be very careful lol

  • Silly question. Is this upgrade available to people who are currently on the $50? I'm on the $50 = 50 gig plan.

    • provided ur on the 49.99 plan then yes you can upgrade with no penalty or fees

      • best thing ever!

  • +1

    why doesn't tpg bring adsl2+ to my area :(

  • +1

    I would just like to know. Right now I'm on the 50gb plan but only paying $10 for $300 mobile.
    If i upgrade to this service. Will they charge me more for the mobile?

    • +1

      Yes. You will be moved to $14.99 mobile plan.

      • damn that sucks
        im on that $10 mobile bundle too

    • I had 2 phones on the 10$ plan, but the 50 GB plan. This new plan 40 / 40 finally convinced me to upgrade. I kept going over the cap, + now more flexible.

      15 $ is still piss cheep compared to other peepz


  • anyone know why theyre upping it again?

    • -1

      why not? lol
      normally they do it to stay ahead of the game for value

  • damn that sucks to hear. What would happen if i signed up to the new plan without mobile?

    • Doesnt matter…. YOu can still get internet for 50$..

  • wow. they up'ed usage AGAIN.
    My original 30gb plan is now 100gb. I <3 tpg.

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