Hello guys my dad recently bought a iPhone 6 plus 128gb gold, I was extremly lucky to reserve one midnight as iphone 6 plus stock is really tight especially gold 128gb. But my dad has decided to resell the iPhone as he thinks he can get a huge profit out of it. i looked up gumtree and eBay and people are selling the same device for over $1600. ($1249 original price so around $350 ish profit. Should we resell it and buy another one in the future when they get more stock or just use that?(my dads not urgent to use one right now)
iPhone 6 Plus Gold 128GB - use or resell?

Last edited 26/09/2014 - 17:36
(Fry Reference, no disrespect)
Sell it.
Wait till 6s comes out
buy it and then sell it again.
endless profit?
6S ? "S" for straightened?
this is broden-esque
Sell it, It's not your fault people are keen to pay over the RRP. Just don't sell it to the 9 people out there who have bent their phones.
I'd sell it asap but don't be greedy, as every day passes the value is dropping. Go for like $1400 and move it fast. With the bending issue gaining momentum the demand will swing really fast.
step 1: sell it
step 2: make profiteasy
Bought two 6+/SG/64GB on launch day and sold the second one for a nice $320 profit a few days later.
I do it every year, the profit makes up for the 1 year depreciation on a new iPhone, so effectively a free new iPhone every year once you sell the previous gen. Combine with TRS, and I'm usually still in profit even after depreciation. Obviously even better if you buy multiple units (e.g. 2xdelivery + 2xpickup), but I didn't go that far this time around.
Wow that's one genius iPhone user who got a bigger brain than most other iFools who spend gazillions on their phones.
Why would anyone buy something that's the same colour and shape as a banana?
If you're a monkey.
so… you get to get rid of a phone that has a known bending issue , a 350$ profit , and are not in a rush for a new phone so could wait for apple to release the "fixed" model ?… and you are still asking for advice ?