This was posted 15 years 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kangaroo Mince - 2 x 1kg Macromeat Packs for $9 - Usually around $6-7 each


Went to the new Woolworths on St Georges Terrace in Perth today and noticed this sweet little deal. Whether this deal is available at all Woolworths I can not say

Anyway, this delicious meat makes an awesome Spaghetti Bog if you are game (Pun Intended) enough to give it a try and probably a few other things like Shepherds Pie or Burritos - or anything that requires mince meat.

But if you are too much of a little girl to eat it yourself - It can also be a cheap high quality pet food for the Chihuahua you obviously carry around in a colour matching tote bag.

Anyway - Thats pretty much it.
Kangaroo meat is delicious. Give it a go.


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  • The same was few days ago @ Potts Point, NSW and maybe still is - didn't check… anyway this deal is quite often in Woolworths.

  • Saw this at Kelvin Grove Brisbane Woolworth's as well. Might be a nation wide thing.

  • +1

    Nice! It is good to mix it with another mince though, as roo mince is too lean, and beef mince is too fatty (unless you get the expensive "premium" one.) Together its just right :-)


    • Ive done a couple of bogs with just the kangaroo - probably used more olive oil to keep it cooking nicely.

      Will have to give those other recipes a go though. Wouldnt mind making a shepherds pie using kangaroo mince and see how that goes

    • Yea i made kangaroo spaghetti before….not the best. Admittedly the taste wasnt too bad, it just smelled really awful when it was cooking! Nice bargain though if you like it

      • You guys should try a Kangaroo Lasagne - found a great recipe on the net somewhere.
        At my local coles a few months ago I found they were selling off the 1kg packs for $3.50 each because it was near the expiry date so i bought like 4 packets and put them in the freezer. So cheap and they lasted ages!

  • +3

    Good price but hot tip - watch out for bone in this mince. I chipped a tooth on one when eating kangaroo meatballs.

    • +1

      +1 I've had a few bone fragments too. Which is disappointing. Spoils an otherwise great meal..
      Should really complain to Macro, but who can be bothered?
      Roo is good for you and for Australia, they don't have hoofs so they don't rip up the soil and they don't overgraze, they're wild (fence prices will keep it that way!), not domestic and they're massively overpopulated in many grassland areas. Oh, and they need waaaayyy less water to keep alive and healthy, compared to sheep/cattle..
      They're good for you cause the meat is so lean..

      If you don't like the slight gamey taste, add a heap of spices.. My GF loves my mince but doesn't normally like the taste of Roo.

    • Was it macromeats brand roo mince?

      I've gone through 10-15kg of the stuff in the last couple of years and haven't run into a single fragment.

  • hmm.. no thanks… the smell when cooking it is too much for my nose. but any meat for $9 for 2kg is good deal…

    gotta cook the stuff properly though…. don't want any hydatids ;)

  • Great price… got some from Woolworths Sorell

    Roo burgers are the go!

  • Nooooo damn I was hoping this would be kept a secret so I could go buy them all!

    I buy this stuff all the time, and use it for my spaghettt - and yes, it's defintily an aquired taste! I hated it at first, but now I don't use anything else. Even at it's normal price, it's still generally cheaper than "premium" mince, and still better for you!

    • They're on to our secret!

      Can confirm that this deal seems to be at all Woolworths, my local has been running the special price since last Friday. A great mince to use for things like chilli con carne, the freezer is now stocked with 6kg of the stuff. ;)

  • Just some interesting information - Russia recently banned all Kangaroo meat imports. Before that, they were importing up to 70% of our roo. This has probably lowered prices a bit.

    Read more here:,23739,25838193-95…

  • Hmm.. I've never tried Roo mince before. Sounds interesting to try.. I'll be heading down to Enex100 Wollies later on the day :)

  • Roo Meat is all protein, eat it to get swole

    • coles is selling kangaroo mince for less than $9 per kg all the time. its even cheaper than mince beef heart smart at this price. kangaroo meat has the highest protein content out of any red meat. lowest fat content so virtually no cholesterol at all.

  • Can anyone confirm if it's advertised or just appears discounted when you go to the counter? Because my store was still saying $7.29 and i didn't have time to see if the register would correct it.

    I love the stuff, great for getting into shape, its all protein, lots of iron almost zero fat. If you can't get over the gamey taste make curries with it, flood out the flavor that way. Personally I don't mind it. Though the smell whilst cooking it is a bit off.

  • How far we've come!… Roo mince used to only be available at the pet store, we used to feed our cat with it!

    • -4

      Roo mince used to only be available at the pet store …

      And, tbh, that's where it should stay.

      Roo on spaghetti? You've got to be kidding!

    • +1

      Roo mince used to only be available at the pet store,

      Crayfish (rock lobster) used to be used as bait for "real" fish. Or eaten by the poorest people.

      • I don't like crayfish on my spaghetti either.

        • Any meat is good on my spaghetti :)

    • -2

      aboriginal people were the firsts to eat roo meat.

  • Well I picked up 6KG tonight. Thanks for the heads up, never would have known about this otherwise as it's not advertised in my Woolies, even the staff said there was no special but alas the checkout revealed the truth :)

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