I was browsing Aldi web site snd found this
White Sandwich Sliced Bread 650g - 700g $0.85
I was browsing Aldi web site snd found this
White Sandwich Sliced Bread 650g - 700g $0.85
Next will be the egg wars
This wouldnt be too bad of an idea, eggs vary in price quite a bit between places.
There is already a egg war, go on YouTube and search how to basic…. Nsfw, you've been warned lol
Same price at Woolies if I recall correctly from their TV advertisement.
And Coles.
Yep - they sent out an email too…claiming 'Australia's cheapest bread'…
I hate these price wars. I don't want their crappy bread and they put their other prices up to make back their losses on these 'bargains'.
woolworths follow up- only 80 cents!
Not much 'dough' for a loaf of bread
Also trying to figure out why a deal for bread has been tagged as Fashion & Apparel. :)
What do you do with your bread?
we need the eneloop wars
Wouldn't Aldi's bread be better because it is German made…
well that explains why it is only white bread
Except that it won't be German made…
Correct. It's probably made by Tip-Top.
Price is 85c,however, all sold out…marketing marketing and marketing
In Qld ALDI dropped the bread price the same day that Woolies announced. It makes sense as both are supplied by Tip Top up here, so they probably have very similar contract pricing for the same product in the bag and it was an easy match for the headline grab.
85c bread is awful, I never buy it the whole family refuses to eat it (except as toast in an emergency).
A few years ago they jacked this crap bread up from $1 a loaf to $2 then $2.50.
Now suddenly there's competition and they can flog it for 85c.
Just remember, they're just doing this as a loss leader to suck you into the store and rip you off on pretty much everything else they sell.
(boy, I really am grumpy tonight)
I don't believe this bread has ever been $2 or $2.50.
You might be thinking of the Woolworths or coles premium brand.
I don't believe this bread has ever been $2 or $2.50.
Nope, effgee is actually right there, a couple of years back the cheapest loaf you could get from any of the supermarkets was $2…I distinctly remember refusing to pay that & ponying up for slightly better stuff instead.
Like all OzBargainers experience, extra expense entails significant trauma that leaves lasting scars! ;)
Are you sure you don't mean 5+ years back?
Was there a shortage of flour or something for a short period of time?
Looking at some archives I can see in 2011 and 2008 White bread was $1.09 at Aldi and $1.29 at Woolworths.
Now either its before 2011 or there was some kind of shortage that caused prices to go up at Aldi, Woolworths etc
@samfisher5986: Maybe, once you get to my age 5yrs does seem like 1 in retrospect…I just remember being pissed off about it at the time.
Pity I don't have a journal… :P
In addition
06/10/2005, White Bread 600g (not 700g like the others) 99c
So perhaps before 2005 then…
I'm guessing you guys are just remembering wrong.
There have been a few times in history where the homebrand bread has not been sold for a short while (i'm guessing contract negotiations)
The next cheapest thing probably was $2, but it shouldn't have been homebrand.
@Tal_Shiar: LOL, I'll leave it til a bit closer to the end, I'm not sure if there's any statute of limitations on some of the shenanigans I've pulled, they might just lock me up.
Bear in mind, it wouldn't be a $0 ebook though, I'm pretty stingy! ;)
@Sam…it's definitely not before '05, maybe it was different in your neck of the woods, but I distinctly remember that being the case in Newcastle…maybe other Novocastrians can recall better than I?
I do remember having a similar experience…
For me out was some time between 2004 -2006. I had just graduated uni, and my flatmate at the time was still at uni. Not long before we had discovered that the Woolworths brand of bread was a bargain…And then one day they just jacked the price up! It actually was a bit disappointing.
Edit: that was in Sydney
I'm guessing you guys are just remembering wrong.
a little arrogant. There are 2 of us agreeing, and just you disagreeing.
Maybe it was store-dependent, but I can 100% vouch for my local store, you could not buy a loaf for <$2.50 for a while.
A tightarse never forgets a good bargain or a bad rip-off.
I'm not disagreeing, I have multiple sources of evidence showing it wasn't normally $2 or $2.50 in multiple years.
If the bread did raise price like you say, surely there would be some evidence somewhere?
Without a shortage I can't imagine Coles, Aldi and Woolworths deciding to start charging $2
If the bread did raise price like you say, surely there would be some evidence somewhere?
Yes, it's called anecdotal evidence, at least three people here are providing it for you…
I'm not saying you didn't see it, I think it might have only been woolworths or coles, or only at certain supermarkets.
I also used to purchase this cheap bread, it was my backup plan when the bakery didn't have reduced bread for 60 cents.
…or only at certain supermarkets.
Yeah, that's what I was hinting at earlier…it's entirely possible that your experience in BrisVegas is different to other cities/states.
I know that every time I go to a supermarket in Sydney I think dafuq, we don't have half this shit in Newy…
Some people sure know quality when they see it.
Aldi wants a slice of the action.
No ALDI in WA. Deal not available (yet). Please specify states and territories in title.
You are kidding?
No ALDI in WA. Deal not available (yet). Please specify states and territories in title.
No, just don't open a thread about a shop you can't buy from (yet) Please keep your OCD in check!
0.85c is great value for a loaf of bread.
At the IGA, they charge $1.85 for their basic black and gold.
Saving $1 !
I was at Coles supermarket yesterday and near the check out was about 7 bread grates with Coles brand bread selling for 85c.
Woolworths, Coles and Aldi's all selling for the same price. 85c a loaf.
all these cheap breads taste like cardboard. far better to buy halas or abbotts when half price.
I am unfamiliar with halas. Or is that code for another brand?
I think it's the halal version of Helga's! ;)
Classic prisoner's dilemma.
Lowering the price of a common household staple to attract customers.
Other chains follow your move.
Everyone ends up with the same market share but weaker profits.
Agree. People must be consuming a hell of a lot of bread if fifteen cents per loaf is enough for them to ditch one supermarket for another.
I thought Aldi would come up with something clever like costing up a made sandwich and have it turn out cheaper as their sandwich fillings are cheaper than at Coles and Woolworths.
Good deal if you're having a barbie and happy to give your mates the cheapest slice to have with their snags. Not much good for much else.
close. Good for fund raising sausage sizzles (eg Bunnings).
$0.85 to be thrown in the bin, not worth it, there are plenty of better use of $0.85 in ozb
I buy bread for $2.90 a loaf from a Bakery. It has nothing in common with this inedible substance.
I want fresh fruit, meat and vegetables war
…and a quick skirmish over honey wouldn't hurt either! :)
Agreed! These supermarkets should stop loafing around and bring out the edible food!
Why are none of them offering wholemeal @ 85c?
My local Aldi offers a loaf of wholemeal bread for 85c. You should check your local Aldi.
So how is this a bargain when everyone else is selling or the same price?
They shouldnt be allowed to call this thing bread
Yep - bread wars taking over from the milk wars.