ASUS Gryphon-Z87 LGA1150 Intel Motherboard
Limit 2 per customer.
Seems to get some good reviews.
ASUS Gryphon-Z87 LGA1150 Intel Motherboard
Limit 2 per customer.
Seems to get some good reviews.
You can flash it through USB
Yeah it says in the Desc bios needs updating for haswells so yes will work.
Looks really easy to do, straight off a thumb drive:…
Usable without a CPU - awesome!!
Not quite. They say that but from experience I can tell you thats not quite the case.
For the new haswell refresh CPUs you need to load the BIOS with an original haswell CPU ONCE after updating the bios via USB Flashback in order for it to work seems to suggest - that yes there is your way .. but also the flashback way which doesnt mention having an original haswell in place.
Exactly! How the heck does any motherboard run some code without a CPU? So have they put in an ARM/MIPS chip on it just to USB update the mobo bios? Unlikely that the bios installer would be written to run both RISC and x86-64 chips from the same code!
@ammark19xx: The ASUS Z87M-Plus I bought from this deal was the same - wouldn't come up with a i5 4690 in it, found the firmware update, put it on a USB stick and plugged it into the green port on the back, did something like holding down the reset button while powering it up and it spent a few minutes flashing, then all good.
Interesting. Learn sth new on ozbargain every day. So you had your 4690 seated when you flashed the BIOS then. Pretty cool.
@ammark19xx: Yeah it was seated. It didn't do anything though - I suspect it would have worked without the CPU inplace. Spent ages figuring out what was wrong, powering it on did a few things and then it would just stop. From memory the CPU fan would spin up for about a second before the whole thing just went quiet.
During the USB flashback process, no fans or anything came on and the only activity was one of the case lights flashing. It was one of those "seems quiet… too quiet" type activities, but when the light stopped flashing (and the LED on the USB too), powered it on and it booted normally.
Deal posting guidelines -…
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whats this about ?
OK is it a bargain because its usually $209 ? and for one day $99 ?
It's also still listed as $189.50 if you search for it on their site.. lol
Review here;…
Looks pretty sweet!
Sorry for trying to help a 1st time poster.
Check the revisions, the initial description was a question rather than any detail on the product.
Pity about the pukey brown and beige color scheme, yech
If you're in the habit of looking at your motherboard regularly, you can actually "upgrade" this one with an "Armour Kit";
$50 for a plastic mobo cover.. Oh Asus.
Yeah I just came back to correct myself.. yikes!
There is a metal backplate though.
Wonder if I could spraypaint it white successfully?
@justtoreply: "spraypaint it white"
Just be careful with the blow-torch if you want to change colour later.
@justtoreply: Yes you can, TekSyndicate have a video about spraypainting PC components in order to get a clean look, and this motherboard was one they listed as being good to use because you can paint the shroud to cover all the bits and pieces on the mobo. I'm going to do the same thing for my White+Orange pc build I'm working on.
TL;DR Yes, get dupli-color vinyl and fabric paint (can be found in supercheap, repco and the like) and paint the shroud.
haha, guess it would be the one motherboard that "suits" noctua fans
$7.2 shipping to sydney.
Seems like $7.20 shipping anywhere. (Tas, WA, Vic)
Maybe update the deal if someone can do it.
What happened to this deal? Is it on today or not?
It was a 6pm - 7am deal, but it sold out beforehand. Good buy @ $106.20 shipped.
holy shit!sold out
Fantastic run out price. Would guess its got old bios so wont work with haswell refresh chips unless you can get them to flash using a non refresh cpu first.