Soundlink Mini, UE Boom etc - battery vs AC?

I am considering either the Bose Soundlink Mini or the UE Boom as a Bluetooth speaker (of course, last week Myer had the Mini for 199 and DSE had the Boom for 148.50; both deals now gone).

I want to use it primarily as a fixed speaker plugged in to the wall, but with the ability to occasionally move it around as needed.

Does anyone know if the battery is being used while it is plugged in? In other words, do they always work by constantly charging the battery, and then constantly being powered by the battery (thereby wearing out the battery) or does it just bypass the battery (thereby preserving the battery).




  • I'd go AC and just plug in to wall again when you move it. If it doesn't reach get an extension cord.

  • Almost to a device, virtually all modern lithium-powered gadgets draw power via the battery - even when on charge - and charging circuits in almost all cases seek to maintain a full voltage after maximum charge. Few these days do that by way of trickle charging (very bad), but by way of a very narrow voltage-range float charge (still bad, but better/safer).

    Bitter reality is that lithium batteries - be they full and still on-charge, or just full - face (at room temperature, worse if higher), a 20% PERMANENT capacity-loss per year. OP, very few people are aware of this, but you appear to have an enquiring mind, so…

    In the context of computers (not much joy for other devices), and in acknowledging the issue and seeking to ameliorate the battery-life problem for the many notebook computers left plugged-in 24/7, a number of manufacturers now include some form of 'power management' software which allows a voltage drop to an ongoing and controlled level.

    For those aware, the permanent capacity-loss issue makes for quite the dilemma when it comes to permanently plugged-in bluetooth speakers and even moreso in the context of the owning, charging, and using of lithium powerbanks.

    I actually cringe a little when I think of the number of OzBargainers who may well be accumulating (let's just call it hoarding) multiple powerbanks from recent deals and then likely STILL feeling a need to maintain them perpetually in a fully-charged state - presumably to allow charging of their devices twenty times over in the event of WWW3/zombie attack/IS invasion/general apocalypse.

    OP, I have a few bluetooth speakers that are permanently plugged-in. In the context of the cheap ones, I am willing to sacrifice the ultimate life of the internal batteries, although one of them did teach me a lesson of other potential risk, even when charging circuits and cutoffs are still working as intended. Removable battery, swelled and forced itself out of the battery compartment. Happens in phones too, occasionally. Jury still seems to be out regarding the actual dangers of swollen lithium pouch-packs, but it's a worry. I've chucked mine.

    For me (and maybe for you for when you buy your speaker) I'm still going to leave certain things permanently plugged-in, but am certainly conscious about them ever staying on-charge in a hot room. Cycle the batteries then - especially, but occasionally, anyway. Precaution / may help.

    … and I hope that all helps a bit, without freaking you out too much!

    • Thanks for that very detailed reply !

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