• expired

$2 Sandwiches at 7 Eleven on Wednesdays


Possibly cheaper than making your own. They normally sell them for $5 each.

Varieties may include but not limited to
Egg lettuce & mayo
Chicken lettuce & mayo
Chicken & avocado
Curried egg
Mexican chicken, cheese & avocado
Ham cheese & tomato
Ham cheese & capsicum relish
Tandoori chicken & tzatziki

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closed Comments

  • +30

    Perhaps they Brodened the 85c bread deal

    • my thought exactly.

      at least making it yourself you know what bread is being used and the quality of the produce.

    • I hope they still use the Helgas bread.

      • Dinner sorted for tomorrow night

    • more likely the 76.5c bread deal :)

  • Do they have Egg sandwiches ?

    • i dono , if it was me , id stay away from egg/mayo in these, just in case.

      • +3

        What's wrong with em? That's the one I was going for lol

        • In case they go bad I think.

        • Your friends won't like your farts

        • @daydream: They usually like them?

      • +16

        But the space parasites will make you physically and mentally stronger!

    • +1

      Last time they had Curried egg and an egg mayo and lettuce - it depends on your 711

    • Yeah they do and they're fine, I eat 7/11 sandys all the time.

    • Yep they do, and they're not too bad (also, replaced/discounted daily no worries about freshness).

    • mmm …yum

  • +13

    Against my better judgement I tried these sandwiches once, and I have to admit, it was an excellent sandwich.

    • +2
    • +1

      Was it against your better judgement if it turned out good?

      • +14

        You clearly don't actually understand the "that's what she said" gag, because it does not make sense in this context. I'd advise you to steer clear of it, because when used inappropriately, it reveals you to be a "try hard". An entire episode of that hilarious show "The office" was even dedicated to how silly people seem, when they use the "that's what she said" gag without actually understanding what it means. I'm guessing you didn't see it.

        This has been a community services announcement.

        Please resume your normal activities.

        • I read it as a translated joke that doesn't work in English IE old Easty cracked one in another language and then translated it. Also possible "burger" thing with the sandwich? Nevermind…
          Dad joke anyone?
          Horse walks into a bar, barman says:
          "Why the long face" ark ark ark.

        • -2

          Please resume your normal activities.

          That's what she said.

        • @King Tightarse:

          "Dad joke anyone?
          Horse walks into a bar, barman says:
          "Why the long face" ark ark ark."

          So the horse gives him a WITHERED look, and says:

          "It's the result of 20 million years of evolution on the tundra you dumb-fu*k, and facilitates easy grazing on low-growing grasses. So who's the smart-ASS now?"

          He then asks the barman to "WHIP him up a HORSE'S NECK", and they lol together. Turns out they're mates, and it's an old routine.

    • +6

      They are pretty good. A big Mac costs $5.10 now adays

      • -3

        back in 1999 a large big mac meal cost about $5 for comparison

        a burger was like 2-3$

        so 100% inflation in over 10 years is not bad

        • +1

          I don't think that is true at all. I think you are pulling numbers out of your proverbial.

        • +7

          "… so 100% inflation in over 10 years is not bad"

          Clearly you have no idea what the average yearly inflation rate actually is, if you think 100% in ten years is "not bad". Average yearly inflation is ~2-3%.

          SAY it was a steady 3%, and a BM cost $2.50 ten years ago…

          It would currently cost $3.36, if the price of it only rose at the rate of inflation.

          So I'm negging you, because either you are pretending to know something about which you actually know nothing (which is fine if you just keep your little delusion to yourself, but not if you publicly post rubbish disguised as 'information'), or your maths is terrible (which again is fine, but not if you make mathematically-based posts), or both.

        • my wages didn't inflate that much

  • +2

    Yeah, I eat them often. They make them/get them delivered every day. It's not Coles bread. I don't understand the lowering of the Coles bread to 85c, it's already the cheapest bread they sell so if people aren't buying it then it's because it's because they don't WANT the cheapest bread they can possibly get. And either Coles or Woolies always have at least one of the "good" brands on sale for half price.

    • +2

      Well it made the news. All free advertising is good. Huge $ value.

      • +3

        Oh wow, that's very surprising isn't it?

        A Major Duopoly Supermarket Empire which is single handidly responsible for about 50% of ALL Commercial Media Advertising Profit Australia wide getting a "news story" about their fantastic value products!!

        (Sarcasm Hat is on)

        • +2

          Perhaps you didn't quite understand my meaning.
          Every positive news story about a business is of great value to that business. It is effectively free prime time advertising and worth a huge price if the equivalent positive coverage was paid for.
          I am saying is the bread may well lose money but the overall effect may be well worth it to the company as free advertising.

    • +1

      It's a supermarket Loss Leader, like the $8 roast chicken at woolworths today, that can make plenty on sangas…. Nice plug right? :P

      • +5

        "… like the $8 roast chicken"

        There's no way woolies is making a loss on an $8 chicken.

        • You'd be surprised …

        • @Tal_Shiar: they must not know how to run a business if they are making a loss on $8 roast chicken.

          Raw whole chicken is like $6 (bigger than the coles/safeway one) and they have commercial ovens which make atleast a bazzilon chickens in one go.

          Add to all that economies of scale and even lower chicken prices.

        • Cost of the Woolies chickens ~ $8.70 + labour + electricity + packaging + opportunity cost of not selling other lines (eg Free Range chickens). So yes, they are a loss leader.

          Source: my boss, 3 hours ago

        • +2

          pretty sure woolworths would have a wholesale price for their roast chickens… probably more like $4 - $5, if people come to woolworths to buy roast chicken then they might be more inclined to purchase extra stuff with it.

        • +6

          Its kinda sad to think that the life of a chicken is only worth a few dollars.

        • +2

          @franz87: If WW is paying anything like $8 per bird then I have a bridge I'd like to sell their purchasing manager.

        • +1


          $8.70 BS

          this even made the news several years ago because they were paying the farmers 37c per chicken and sending the farmers broke. I don't see that being the price for even a free range extra large one.

          considering that is close the retails price of red lea chickens ($8.99), very very very unlikely, think your boss thinks people are gullible fools

        • +1

          LMAO @ "~ $8.70"… surely you need only look at the cost of a whole large chicken at any market in your state, to realise that there's simply no way that is what woolies are paying for their chooks?

        • @Possumbly:
          Hilarious Poss! LOL

        • @rd:
          Well, not really. The real question is, is it better to have lived a short life as a (very) well-fed "broiler" chook, than not to have lived at all?
          It's not like these chooks are being prematurely harvested from a paradise-like natural environment.
          The fact is they would not exist at all were it not for the chook-meat industry, and also, due to their breeding they can no longer stand up properly after about 11 weeks of age; so if they are not culled at that age, they are in constant pain anyway.
          I reckon the main focus should be on making sure they have a decent/comfortable life while they are alive (i.e. no "intensive" farming methods/ force-feeding etc.), and making sure that they are killed humanely when the time comes (i.e. quickly, without fear/seeing their mates die before them, etc.).
          Now that I've started on this rant I may as well finish. True accountability/impeccable practices will only be achieved when everything is constantly filmed, and streamed to the internet, IMHO. If you think about it, there's actually no reason for any producer not to consent to this, if they are confident in their staff/procedures. And also, no staff would do anything unprofessional if they knew vision of the factory/workplace was being streamed to the internet, 24/7.
          I'm suggesting out-sourcing ethical-practices monitoring to the public, who would do the job diligently and for free, via the internet. It'll be the way of the future, mark my words.

        • +1


          better to have no lived at all. they don't any freedom, so its not a good life or a good ending.

  • +2

    Last time I had one of these it mentioned on the packaging it was Helga's bread

  • 7/11 has nice tasty muffins also. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Hope they have enough stock for OzB's

    • I walk past the one at Indooroopilly often at 3.30 on the way to work and they have a fair few different ones. At 9 when I finish, egg, lettuce and mayo only. Or nothing. This was when they did it last time.

  • Darn I bought one today for $5 :/

    • Is this a one-off promo or is it every Wednesday?

      Edit: Ooops, didn't mean to post this as a reply.

  • they sell pretty mean chicken sandwiches…. hopefully they will be $2 tomorrow! :)

  • +8

    Reminds me of the episode of Futurama where Fry buys a sandwich from a truck stop toilet.

  • Mexican or Tandoori chicken?

  • Look at the 7-Eleven Logo.

    Realise the N is lowercase in Eleven, compared to the other Uppercase characters.

    Cannot be unseen.

    • They put logos on their sambos? Marketing genius!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I tried these sandwiches last time they had a deal like this going and they were actually decent

    • +1

      Yes, a lot better than those Hot Dogs (rotating for an eternity on the steam filled wheely machines). I remember those teenage years, friends and I stoned out of our minds at 2am on a school night, going up to 7 Eleven for Hot Dogs and Slurpees.

      • Gorilla dogs from quix

  • +1

    Good deal.

    Best value is the three 'half-sandwich' pack which normally sells for $7. Bought it last time this promo was on for $2!

  • What do you mean on Wednesdays?

    • +7

      Means everyday but Wednesday

      • Funny; although I think he was referring to the s - ie is this repeated?

      • Ha !!

  • +1

    Outstanding, I know where I'm going tomorrow on the way to work!

  • Good deal, aslong as it lasts for a while.

  • +2

    Free Small Slurpee with Any Fuel purchase http://www.7eleven.com.au/our-offers/fuel-offer
    Other offers: http://www.7eleven.com.au/our-offers
    Buy one Super slurpee get one for $1 http://www.slurpee.com.au/promo

    • Ah, good work ciab… so for $3 I can get some petrol, a chicken sandwich and a slurpee.

      • I assume you meant to say …. so for $3 + the cost of petrol, I can get some petrol, a chicken sandwich and two slurpees.

        • +5

          No, that's not what I mean. I mean if I get $1 worth of petrol, I'm entitled to a free slurpee, so for a total of $3 I can get some petrol, a chicken sandwich and a slurpee. Some may be above buying $1 worth of petrol for the sole purpose of getting a free slurpee. I most certainly am not!

        • They all taste great

        • +1

          @GnarlyKnuckles: There's usually a minimum fuel delivery, I think 2L.

  • What time does this start?

    • +10

      From 7 till 11.

      • Boom-tish!

  • Does this apply at the fuel station 7-eleven stores as well?

  • I like the bread in 7 Eleven Sandwiches. You guys are such cynics.

  • Great deal thanks for posting, I drive pasta a severs on the way to work so ill grab a cheap lunch for tomorrow :)

  • I'm getting the feeling they get new deliveries and restock the shelves on Thursday…

    • Nah, I reckon they'd get fresh sandwiches in daily, as has been suggested here by others.

      Nice find OP, thanks for posting.

  • +1

    7 11 sandwich = win

  • BTW is it just tomorrow or ongoing?

    • As the heading says, I believe it is every Wednesdays.

  • +2

    My nearest store is Geelong North according to their locator. I'm In Perth.

    • +13

      Better leave now then.

  • Anybody manage to get a sanga from 7/11 yet for $2.00? If so, is there a good variety or just limited to what the post shows?

  • Just had a ham cheese tomato and roast chicken and mayo sandwich from 711 Haymarket. Not bad. Taste like any other generic packed sandwich. There was another person buying 2 of them at the counter. There were still plenty there when i left. Rrp says $5. I don't think its worth that much tho.

  • +1

    Currently it seems like $2 is the sweet spot for a bargain feed.

  • +3

    just had:
    1 ham cheese tomato, very fresh no soggy tomato
    1 egg lettuce, was nice and fresh a bit bland for my liking
    2 chicken avo and mayo - delicious
    2 chicken lettuce and mayp - delicious

    they had a lot there. I thought the potheads would've cleared it out in the early morning hours.

    • You ate 6 sandwiches at once?

      • no shared with the kids. should have said we. though I do know one skinny lady who gets through 2 loaves of bread made into sandwiches just for lunch.

  • +2

    Just got one from the 7 Eleven on King Street for $2, sandwiches they stock include:
    - Ham, Cheese & Tomato
    - Egg and lettuce
    - Chicken Avocado and mayo
    - Chicken Lettuce and mayo

    I have had the Ham, Cheese & Tomato before and was happy with the quality, picked up a Chicken Avo this time. Also the bread they use is multigrain, so that is a nice plus :)

    Lots of stock, so should be plenty there during lunch hours.

  • +1

    Nice one, I'll be stocking up lunch on Wednesdays while this promo is going. Will budget around $10 a week for lunch rather than $20

  • Lots of stock in the brisbane CBD this morning (the one opposite across the road from the city council building) the one I went in did not have curried egg but plenty of the other ones mentioned above.

    So for brekky and lunch for hubby and I

    2 x $1 coffee
    1 x $2 banana bread
    6 x $2 sandwiches

    • The one at the corner of Adelaide and Edward St had quite a few left.

      I bought:
      1 x Mexican Chicken, Cheese and Avocado - not bad
      1 x Chicken, Ham, Mayo
      1 x Banana

      All up, $5 Lunch!

      I know I got jacked on the Banana but I felt like a smoothie and couldn't be stuffed walking to woolies/coles lol

    • geez!

  • Having an egg and mayo now. Not bad…

  • +4

    These $7 ones are $2 also!


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