Looking for a USB flash drive 8gb - 16gb in size that has good enough speed to allow playback of 720p material at a minimum!
I got stuck with a cheap one today and it gives major problems when trying to use it to playback HD material!!!
So whats the best value USB drive out there folks?
Thanks in advance
It's going to have to be a special thumb drive to play 720p or higher right? I thought you'd have to get super fast, like the Patriot XT and Corsar GT are apparently fast thumb drives. You should do some research and look at the actual specs for read and write (not what the manufacturer claims it is). Might need to start a google search on tech forums. I've seen read/write benchmarking graphs for usb everywhere.
EDIT: i take back what i said. just played an hd video 8gb worth on a asus eeepc using a kingston dtatraveler 120 8GB. (around $25 full price @ 9289)