Getting custom made cushions in China ?

I've had quotes from local dressmakers to remake some cushion covers (including supplying the material) from a couple of outdoor lounges that we have in a waterproof fabric - the quotes have been quite ridiculous (more than the lounge in a couple of cases!).
I then thought I wonder if I could get a overseas maker to do this for me ? I'm sure it would be half the price including the fabric and postage.

Has anyone done this and anyone they could recommend please ?


  • No experience in this myself. But a dressmaker to do the work that's not fine and fancy like a dress? Have you checked places that do reupholstery?

    That being said it's probably still expensive in Australia. A random quote from… was over $60 per cushion (500x500x50mm) with no piping, no fill, and no ties.

    Seems pricy, when you can get cheap cushions including covers from IKEA.…

    Anything in the right size from Aliexpress?…
    You can talk with vendors at Aliexpress but they might only be middlemen. Also I don't recall seeing much outdoor furniture in my visits. The Outdoor Cushion section seems to have 8000 different pillows and pieces of fabric that drape over the sofa. (Click "Use" to expand and select "Outdoor" on

  • Try Etsy.

  • The problem you have is small batch & one off. Cushion covers like these can be made in Vietnam for probably less than $10 each BUT there will be endless stuffing around just to get a few cushions done. If you have the same fabric (or can acquire) then the job becomes simpler. With identical fabric & sample of old cushion cover, maybe its worth pursuing. Which state are you in?

  • Yeah I though id try aliexpress - I might leave some messages for some vendors to see if they custom make. The prob is I can't buy off the shelf cause they are odd sizes.
    I'm in WA

    • I'd be careful with aliexpress, dealing with Chinese manufacturers may be a bit troublesome if they do not fully understand your requirements. Ensure they know what you need :)

      I have a cousin who started a baby accessories store who sourced from alibaba and the stuff came in not as expected and his Chinese as well, albeit not fluent but still!

  • Have always had positive dealings with alibaba. Just make sure you use a supplier which accept Escrow or Paypal.

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