Is it just me or these electricity companies keep finding ways to squeeze every cents out of our pockets?
I find it harder and harder to explain what they do, so bare with me here: I'm with Click Energy at the moment, and their 'innovative' approach is that you pay them every month to avoid 'hidden surprises'. In one quarter of 3 months, they do estimates for the first 2 months and then actual read on third month and settle the remaining money I owe them. Sounds good right? Well here's their little trick.
They say that PER QUARTER first 1000kwh is 24c, next 1000kwh is 26c, remaining kwh is 29c. What they didn't tell you is that they would break that 1000kwh into 3 months, so you have 330kwh at 24c, 330kwh at 26c and the rest at 29c EVERY MONTH.
Then they be nice to you and say they estimate you only use 100Kwh first month and you pay $50 (pretty cheap right?), same for second month 100kwh - $50, life is good. Then comes the third month, actual reads. They say for that quarter I have used 1,900kwh, so minus the other 200kwh i have paid, I have 1700kwh all on the third month. They put it into their 'innovative' calculator and guess what, it says 330kwh at 24c, 330kwh at 26c, 1040kwh at 29c.
So using this system, they effectively rip me off of the 470kwh that was suppose to be at 24c and 660kwh that was suppose to be 26c. So instead of the quarterly bill of 1000kwh @24c, 900kwh @26c, total $474. I now get 530kwh @24c, 330kwh @26c, 1040kwh @29c, total $514 . A $40 profit per quarter, or $160 per year, on something that was suppose to save you money!
I was away for a couple months, came back to find all our previous bills like this. I plan to vent at them on Monday but I came to my senses and thought maybe I should ask the ozbargain advisors first. Is this something new to you or is it already standard practice? Do they (the energy retailers) have the rights to do this?
P.S. I think one way to prevent this rip off system is simply call up and tell them you want your estimates set at 330-400kwh per month beforehand. Gosh, why is electricity such a big mess, shouldnt it be simpler? I used to live in the ACT and electricity was smooth and cheap there, why shouldn't it be really? Why do we have to scout the market every 6 months or so?
I don't get there electricity plans. I don't know why they can't make it simple.